Example sentences of "[prep] his government 's " in BNC.

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1 Despite his government 's contention that Ciskei was an independent country , however , late on Sept. 7 de Klerk announced that South African troops were to be deployed there to " protect industrial property " , which was largely owned by white South African citizens .
2 Mr Hawke has embarked on a crusade to join the airlines in smashing the pilots ' claim , seeing it as a crucial challenge to the cornerstone of his government 's economic policy , the wages accord between government , employers and unions .
3 His worst mistake was at the Ministry of Labour , which , foreseeably , turned out to be the crucial sector of his Government 's battlefront .
4 The Minister gave a reasoned exposition of his government 's thinking .
5 I do not mean to be offensive to the hon. Member for Sherwood when I say that he has entertained us with his prepared briefs in many of our coal debates , but that it is a bit rich of him continually to criticise the contraction of the coal industry when he has supported many of his Government 's policies on the industry .
6 Failure of his government 's economic programme fully to embrace market principles was also criticized , and prompted a vote of no confidence by nationalist deputies which was defeated on Oct. 10 .
7 At a meeting of the Cabinet , Prime Minister Itzhak Shamir had won majority backing to retain the abortive May 1989 election plan [ see pp. 36599 ; 36670 ] as the foundation of his government 's strategy .
8 Derek Keys , chair of the mining corporation Gencor , was appointed Minister of Trade , Industry and Economic Co-ordination in a move seen as an effort to improve the credibility of his government 's economic policies .
9 However , he was largely unsuccessful in attempts to broaden the basis of his government 's political support .
10 In his speech to the Assembly , Drnovsek laid out the main themes of his government 's programme .
11 The General 's popularity soon rebounded , largely because voters tended not to associate unpopular aspects of his government 's domestic policy with him and because his foreign initiatives were generally well received .
12 Uncertainty over Mr Mulroney 's future has existed since the defeat in a referendum last October of his government 's proposals for constitutional reform aimed at solving the separatist dispute in French-speaking Quebec .
13 Does he realise that the real potential danger to the Union of Scotland with Britain lies not with the separatists but with his Government 's refusal to listen to the voice of the people of Scotland ?
14 Up into his government 's headquarters ; down into his family apartments and bunker .
15 And when the Cabinet Minister admitted he had no ticket , he had to cough up the fare as well as the fine under his Government 's 1989 Act which orders passengers to pay before they travel .
16 JOHN Major yesterday hailed his Chancellor 's mini-budget as a ‘ turning point ’ in his Government 's fortunes .
17 Marking his first anniversary in power , President Ferdinand Collor de Mello announced a National Reconstruction Plan on March 14 , aimed at restoring public confidence in his government 's determination to secure stable economic growth in the medium term , and in its flagging efforts to control inflation [ for March 1990 , February 1991 anti-inflation plans see pp. 37312 ; 38002 ] .
18 In mid-October Dimitrov requested a vote of confidence in his government 's overall policy .
19 Prime Minister Rabbie Namaliu asserted that the operation , which began on May 9 , did not represent a departure from his government 's commitment to finding a peaceful solution to the secessionist crisis .
20 He also addressed directly the unease expressed in some neighbouring countries over his government 's desire to send units from the Self-Defence Forces to assist US-led coalition forces in the Gulf war with Iraq [ see pp. 38010 ; 38098 ] .
21 On July 7 Prime Minister Edward Fenech Adami survived a vote of no confidence , proposed by the opposition Labour Party , over his government 's failure to secure acceptance for Malta 's application for full European Community membership ; Malta 's application would , however , come up for review by the EC Council of Ministers before the end of the year .
22 The fact was that distrust of Chamberlain ran so deep that even the most unequivocal supporter of rearmament in the labour movement could not give unreserved support to his Government 's military preparations .
23 Many concluded that he was trying to shift elsewhere the blame for the hugely unpopular currency confiscation , and they also noted the likely damage Pavlov 's comments would do to his government 's credibility in future dealings with foreign banks and companies , especially if the Soviet Union needed to reschedule its foreign debt in 1991 or 1992 , as many bankers feared .
24 For Yegor Gaidar , First Deputy Prime Minister and the brains behind the shock therapy , this was an attack on his government 's freedom .
25 On a two-day visit to the United Kingdom on Feb. 13-14 , President Frederick Chiluba sought UK backing for his government 's appeal to creditors to reschedule or write off its US$8,000 million external debt .
26 How are you going to make sure your customer 's payment to you wo n't be stopped by his government 's policies , which is always possible where there are balance of payments or political problems ?
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