Example sentences of "[prep] [being] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The board master performs this service on a voluntary basis and the prerequisite of being board master is knowing the fishing thoroughly ; because he has to tell new guests where to go , how to get there , which path to take , which bog to avoid , where not to fall in — so he really must know what he is talking about .
2 The first was that they were legally members of the National Church by virtue of being Crown Subjects ; this was nonsense of course as the tolerance introduced after the ‘ Glorious Revolution ’ recognized Dissenters ' right to exist , even if it were a restricted right .
3 The concept of a failure rate of over 25% in the First Division has raised objections from those who understand that an omelette can not be made without first breaking some eggs but would rather not run the risk of being dairy produce .
4 The board-and-label copy of Marryat 's Mr. Midshipman Easy illustrated earlier admittedly with the added attraction of being Admiral Sir Thomas Masterman Hardy 's copy — cost the buyer some £165 recently .
5 News Reporter of the Year was Anthony Coppin of the West Lancashire Evening Gazette and the honour of being feature Writer of the Year was shared by Peter Richardson of the Lancashire Evening Post and Diane Robinson of the Manchester Evening News .
6 When all who direct , manage , control , teach , undertake research , plan and administer are ‘ bureaucrats ’ in the sense of being state functionaries , it is difficult to identify the class element in what is a large and heterogeneous stratum containing different and conflicting interests , such as those between the party and the scientific and technical intelligentsia , or the higher levels of state administration and the management of economic institutions .
7 Queen in her own right , yes ; but only of that junior partner , while being fêted and ultimately enjoying the pleasures of being queen consort of the senior .
8 At Headingley the man so often accused of being Test cricket 's hottest firebrand found himself hailed by referee Clyde Walcott for his peace-making whenever there was a flare-up involving his players .
9 ‘ She would make pretence of being Anne Duchess of York ? ’
10 Secret processes of manufacture provide obvious examples , but innumerable other pieces of information are capable of being business secrets , though the secrecy of some information may only be short lived .
11 Otherwise nothing was changed as a result of being world champion , absolutely nothing …
12 By doing this , I think players would think twice before pulling out of Tour Events as it could mean the difference of being world number one and world number two , which I believe means a great deal more to them than they would like to admit .
13 Gemma , in this her last moment of being Miss Dallam , did not notice the stir Linnet was creating and would not have minded if she had .
14 Chains of being Robert Foley
15 PC Timms strolled into the inn , confronted the man at the bar and accused him of being Robert James , wanted for the murder of a police officer at Harwell .
16 Doctor editor Helena Sturridge said : ‘ GPs have had enough of being punch bags and are no longer willing to remain lumbered with patients who attack them . ’
17 One of the bonuses of being Magazine Editor is that you get a three minute Pastoral visit once a month .
18 That this has got some chance of being F dash
19 looks like a mark two executive station , instead of being L C D it 's L E D display , green L E D
20 The word consultant lends itself to a very wide interpretation and many food service operators , and particularly hotel operators , believe they are all capable of being food service consultants .
21 I do not think that anyone has ever accused me of being Ebenezer Scrooge .
22 The most famous knight in his following , William Marshal , was suspected of being Queen Margaret 's lover .
23 Tito had in fact already issued orders that persons suspected of being war criminals should be tried by military courts [ KPs 89 and 105 ] .
24 Twenty-four black militant organisations were subjected to ‘ tax surveillance ’ as part of International Revenue Service ( IRS ) harassment , and FBI agents placed bogus documents into the hands of Panther members which led them to suspect each other of being police informants ( McAdam and Moore , 1989:281 ) .
25 Surprisingly , despite being mountain villages , both have a wonderful array of elegant shops that will keep any browser amused for hours on end .
26 Being Hereford 's keeper though , is rather like being King Canute .
27 All Joe 's life he 'd been asked what it was like being Jerry Lewis 's kid and his answer was always : ‘ It 's great , he 's great ’ .
28 The biggest danger to New Level looks like being Tom Robinson 's Just Right Kyle , which races from trap two .
29 The half-back pairing looks like being Andy Hunter and Paul Campbell .
30 These mothers may seek maturity through maternity , but that 's not the same as domesticity — they are n't into being earth mothers , mega-chefs or craftswomen .
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