Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 Well , I 've never even seen a dead body before — imagine , what with the bones , the shroud and the flies ; if I had n't had the camera between me and it , I do n't think I could have looked .
2 Lewis jumped off the Range Rover ( Verity wobbled a little as the car bounced on its springs , but recovered ) ; he stood at the side of the car , between me and it , and held one hand up to Verity .
3 We used to , we , that 's all the as the village life was , it was it was all very now I know it 's very interesting , my daughter wants me to write a book about it , she says , I said I 'll oh I do n't know mm , write a memoirs mum she said er , you know and I said you know a lot about New Invention , which I do but it 's Willenhall you 're interested in , but it all sort or entails the lot and erm there might be things I 've can I wish I 'd have told you if I can think about them after it 's finished , but it 's erm .
4 I tend not to tell people a song is n't about them because it disappoints them .
5 I can not imagine how on earth he even came to know about them because it was long before radio was introduced .
6 I 'm always a little bit worried about them because it seems to me that they almost define the syllabus in terms of what you can ask four reasonable questions in terms of alternatives about .
7 People have that idea about me but it 's not so .
8 You were standing by the boat , demanding that I let you on board , and I felt such a raw , aching need lance through me that it shocked me .
9 Meg Dennison — she housekeeps for the Reverend and Mrs Copley at the Old Rectory — thinks we ought to do more for them but it 's difficult to see precisely what .
10 Liz Norton will now be writing a double ration for them but it will be divided into ‘ Simply Silver ’ for punchcard machines and the new ‘ Silver Scene ’ devoted to the electronic machines .
11 it sort of er er gave them lee a , ladies leeway who wanted to work after they were married , some married and then could they come back well they could n't keep me on and not let them work you see , so oh yes it was mostly married women , there were a lot of married women there when I left , but erm it sort of set a precedent I suppose for , for them but it did , it did them some good really .
12 no , no , half of this stuff we can actually keep bi , or or leave , leave for them because it 's actually relevant information .
13 A critic had coined a phrase for them and it was taken up as a catch phrase — ‘ They dance as one woman and what a woman . ’
14 We have a signal when we are going for them and it is up to me to go in and score .
15 Well this is a marvellous new form of economics , if we could just create things and er export them without getting paid for them and it would n't us .
16 Those disciples , they had the storm stilled for them and it got easier sailing .
17 Yet would it not have been better for them if 't were not done at all ?
18 The Foreign Office Minister , Mr William Waldegrave , said : ‘ The message we must get across is that those in the security services , those working for the state , should recognise that a day of reckoning will come for them as it has come for the East Germans and others . ’
19 He has also pointed out that the future did not loom so large for them as it did for the Roman historians , who were anxious about the fate of their empire .
20 The demob was as slow for them as it was for us .
21 Acquiring a good interview technique is as important for people employing one person to work directly for them as it is for those who will be taking on large numbers to work for a company .
22 It was there for them as it had always been .
23 It reminded me yet again that our captivity was as much of a strain for them as it was for us , here in Lebanon .
24 When in Colossians 1:9ff Paul prays for Christians he has never met , his first request is that the Spirit would give them understanding of the Lord 's will for their lives ; then , that they should live their lives in accordance with that will by pleasing the Lord in everything ; then , that they should increase in their knowledge of God ; and finally , that they should be strengthened with all might according to the measure of his glorious power which should result for them as it did for Christ , not in arrogance but in patience and longsuffering .
25 But that 's the real world and we have to be positive and make it the best for them as it can be , with love , affection and trust . ’
26 She wanted so much to remain with him on the terms which had always existed between them , did not want the wealth and consequence of her real life to come between them before it needed to .
27 But you could toss a coin between them when it comes to judging the difference . ’
28 There was a tendency for both to be referred to as the Wild White or Park cattle but there are noticeable differences between them and it has been firmly established , by cytogenetic and other tests , that the British White is no more closely related to the White Park than are other British breeds .
29 Because of the Swamp they had come so far south that they must now be at least on a level with the path where they had fought with the sturdy beggars although the northern ride must lie between them and it .
30 ‘ But sometimes a band has a magic balance between them and it 's so wonderful .
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