Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 In addition , even a knowledge of the relationship between body size and lifetime reproductive success in the two sexes will not answer whether the association occurs for reasons connected with breeding competition or because the two sexes differ in their energy requirements ( see Downhower , 1976 ) .
2 These gains were the by-products of a war fought mainly for reasons connected with the balance of power in Europe , but they were attractive enough to encourage the British to think about further involvement outside Europe .
3 By contrast , 27 selects the general reading of dog ( the specific reading would be odd here , but not for reasons connected with maximisation ) :
4 Subject indexing is generally carried out by those familiar with the discipline definitions , for reasons connected with the publication of classified bibliographies , or for the arrangement of documents in libraries , information centres , catalogues and databases .
5 However , restriction to a single wavenumber does not uniquely specify the flow pattern , for reasons connected with eqn ( 22.7 ) .
6 He labours scornfully for this Simon Giles , faintly comforted by a corner in Classical studies which has been granted him for reasons to do with the firm 's image .
7 If it is , it will be for reasons to do with overall levels of sentencing for many sorts of crimes , not merely those related to drugs .
8 However , this reasoning is not accepted in English law for non-homicide offences , and provocation is not generally allowed to reduce a more serious offence to a less serious offence — probably for reasons associated with the policy of efficient administration ( see Chapter 3.3(m) ) , which the significance of death is thought to outweigh in homicide cases .
9 In the General Household Survey of 1981 , about 10 per cent of the registered unemployed declared that they were ‘ economically inactive ’ , mostly for reasons associated with their age , health or because of family or domestic responsibilities .
10 For personnel dealing with eg , short term investments , bonds and shares , small loans , mortgages , etc .
11 ( S. ) 760 ) This anomaly will be removed by Criminal Justice Act 1991 , Sched. 2 , which provides a common scheme for courts dealing with breaches of probation orders and community service orders .
12 The decision of the Divisional Court in Reg. v. Derby Crown Court , Ex parte Brooks ( 1984 ) 80 Cr.App.R. 164 for some time seems to have provided the guidelines for courts faced with this problem of delay .
13 The cash will be helpful for clubs faced with ground improvement bills . ’
14 One useful change has been the restoring of parity of permitted hours for clubs opening with those enjoyed by public houses .
15 As for the claim that the older acts and the common law had allowed the imposition of harsher penalties , this was not for the simple fact of combination but for activities linked with industrial disputes that could have attracted prosecution for riot , intimidation , assault or destruction of property as much after 1799 as before .
16 MORE THAN 400 job seekers went to a fair yesterday to find out about programmes to help with employment or training .
17 For satellites launched with this vehicle , which has failed on two launches out of five , the premium is set around 12 per cent .
18 The year the shop opened she hired a new dress designer , Jacqui Smale , fresh from the Royal College of Art , and told her how sensible she thought it was to wear uniform because this removed the agonies of planning what to wear each day as well as the decisions about accessories to go with the clothes .
19 We have issued an updated code of guidance for authorities dealing with applicants under the homelessness legislation .
20 The Garden has the potential to develop initiatives in interactive video , through contacts established with a number of botanic gardens and university departments currently researching or introducing similar projects .
21 The resolutions also call for more airtime for programmes dealing with women 's issues , and for the introduction of media education in schools .
22 There were no significant differences relative to ip saline , but the difference between groups treated with SC53116 and R-zacopride was significant ( Newman-Kuels test ) .
23 This , in turn , is reflected in conflict in different contexts between groups linked with Iraq and Syria respectively , as in the civil war in Lebanon and within the Palestine Liberation Organization ( PLO ) .
24 In the 1880s , however , working-class boys began to be recruited , largely through clubs associated with University Settlement Houses and Public School Missions .
25 Although Garvey and Caramazza describe implicit causality as a property of verbs , it is , as we have already implied , best regarded as an aspect of world knowledge and , as such , its effects can readily be accommodated within the mental models framework , particularly if one assumes with Ladusaw & Dowty ( 1988 ) that generalizations about roles associated with verbs lie in the domain of world knowledge rather than linguistic theory .
26 The county offers certificates in the teaching and learning of adult basic education and a particular option is available for tutors working with students with severe learning difficulties .
27 A NEW directory of scientific research projects at Oxford University is available free for companies looking for opportunities to collaborate with academics or transfer their technology to the marketplace .
28 The paper draws on a model which , while not held up as the definitive approach , could nevertheless serve as a working document for schools wrestling with the realities of moving towards an integrated structure .
29 At every CCK-8 dose testd , differences between animals treated with L-NAME and with saline were significant .
30 A declarative programming language is one which can accept statements of relationships or rules for relationships contrasting with more traditional languages which encompass only step by step logic .
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