Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] from [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Experts believe they suffer just as much on harrowing journeys , although nature has invested these animals with the capacity ( once valuable for protection from predators ) for not revealing pain or fear .
2 Demands for change from examinations boards and advisers are accepted with philosophical resignation ’ ( p. 31 ) .
3 One does not get a sense of a strong need for support from parents to children to be reciprocated — certainly not in the short term , and possibly not in the long term either .
4 ‘ Binge ’ diary Week 1 Binged and vomited four times 2–3 Keeping her diary regularly 4 Returned home and told her family about problems with eating 5 Stopped weighing herself so frequently ; binged and vomited three times 6 Ate breakfast for first time 7 Allowed herself to ask for support from friends 8–9 Binged and vomited once each week 10 Expressed her feelings of sadness in the group for the first time 11–12 Ate three regular meals per day ; binges much smaller 13 A week free from bingeing and vomiting 14 A week free from bingeing and vomiting
5 In chapter 3 I shall look more closely at the impact of these demographic patterns on the need for support from relatives .
6 Equally people 's need for support from relatives specifically has to be related to whatever alternative provisions exist at any given time .
7 Every bootie is tested for freedom from leaks by inflating with compressed air while being stood in a bath of water , but damage by nipping or cutting can occur when the booties are being fitted into the boot .
8 Now I 'm aware that many parents bring their children for baptism from reasons of superstition or custom or anything you like I 'm reminded of a certain tax gatherer who , inspired by sheer idle curiosity , climbed a tree curiosity maybe took him up the tree but it was the grace of God that brought him down .
9 In the reigns of Charles the Bald 's predecessors , the count 's first main function was to look after royal estates ( fisc-lands ) and royal income ( for instance from tolls and fines ) within his county .
10 Similarly , sustained government rhetoric about getting value for money from programmes and protecting the interest of taxpayers will probably leave a mark .
11 It was always farming circulars for her father , copies of the newspaper to which he occasionally contributed articles on sheep , seldom anything for her mother beyond invitations the senders knew they were safe from her accepting , or appeals for money from charities , the Scottish Women 's Institute , funds to save a painting for the Glasgow Art Gallery .
12 Interested groups are informed on a weekly basis which allows for feedback from areas like Lagos site , potential fields expertise , the Vietnam group and line management .
13 We reviewed our reports in November , asking for feedback from schools , and set an agenda for this year . ’
14 The role of the NDO throughout this stage will be to monitor the progress of the unit writing , arrange for the meeting of writers to discuss common problems and review each other 's work , arrange for feedback from representatives of interested parties such as employers and college staff and to negotiate with professional bodies vis-a-vis recognition of the units and courses .
15 Crime such as theft from cars and cars themslves , has rocketed in Gloucestershire by almost a third ; up so much that detectives ca n't cope .
16 Council agreed that , after an interval of six years , it would again be prepared to consider applications for recognition from schools of architecture in South Africa .
17 For too long water and sewage had been , quite literally , inextricably mixed in Paris , for seepage from cesspools and cemeteries rendered much of the water supply lethal .
18 Well the only , my next visit to London will be for fabric from Liberties
19 Perhaps I may be allowed to paraphrase for brevity from Scientists against Time by J. P. Baxter in his official account of the American Office of Scientific Research and Development :
20 Men and women 's skin are the same colour ; white is scarcely used , and red in a strictly limited way : for linear adjuncts like wreaths , for blood from wounds , and for inscriptions on the background .
21 Most traders , by the middle of this week , were still waiting for confirmation from maltsters on the accurate nitrogen tests .
22 During the Congress Communications and Transport Secretary Mubarak al-Shamikh resigned in protest at the exorbitant fares and corruption in the state-owned Jerma bus company , and Secretary for Higher Education Ahmed Ibrahim also resigned , reportedly after criticism from delegates .
23 As a result , a few famous names wo n't be available here anymore , most notably the new solo comic Birdland , from Love And Rockets man Gilbert Hernandez , which Titan is not importing after advice from customs .
24 a child dying after birth from injuries received as a foetus is not to be considered as a ‘ person ’ dying in consequence of personal injuries for the purpose of the damages(scotland)act 1976. thus a claim from parents for loss of society fails .
25 But its advocates fail to mention that , in the first place , most disabilities occur after birth from accidents or illness ; secondly , much illness and disability in newborn babies is not inherited , but is the result of something that happened during pregnancy ; and thirdly , that medicine is now moving towards a gene-oriented approach to reproduction and health an approach which increases the occasions for screening and raises the questions , who shall decide who s ’ fit to breed ’ , with which genes , and who 's ’ fit ’ to be born ?
26 This is the message that emerges time after time from surveys on Britain 's ability to cope with the demands of Europe post-1992 .
27 Detective Superintendent Jack Leyland , leading the investigation , today appealed for help from shopkeepers in the area who may have sold the items .
28 Detective Superintendent Jack Leyland , leading the investigation , today appealed for help from shopkeepers who may have sold the items .
29 After asking for help from passers-by , they were eventually pointed in the right direction .
30 The police response to Black women and racist attacks is determined by the same factors which affect their response to racist attacks generally : Failure to recognise racial violence/attacks as such and to act accordingly ; delays in their response to a call for help from victims of racial violence ; refusal to recognise the seriousness of a racist attack , and if arrests are made , only the minimum of charges are imposed ; avoiding responsibility for dealing with cases involving racist attacks — by advising victims to pursue civil action through the courts ; the subjecting of those who are victims of racial violence to further racial abuse ; the criminalisation of victims of racist attacks e.g. in Bradford , Newham and only recently two cases from Hounslow one involving 5 boys from Lampton School who defended themselves in a racial attack and were arrested and charged by the police .
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