Example sentences of "[prep] if [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ( 4 ) Consider individuals who are doing work that they should not be ; and consider what work each member of the firm is capable of if properly trained and supervised .
2 Faye patted her growing belly as if already determined to shield her own child from the pain of something like a divorce .
3 as if already suffering from an excess of emotion , he left .
4 Lady Francesca stared at the flowers as if already bored by the conversation .
5 The waitress counts her tip as if reasonably expecting a million dollars for all the aggravation caused .
6 The orchestra ground to an embarrassed halt and the audience was completely silent , as if not believing it .
7 There was a darkness , a sinister menace clinging to some of them , as if simply to touch them might call up dreadful visions and evil forces .
8 Half way to the door I swivelled and , as if simply following the script of this particular hangover , strolled back to the table and came to a halt with my hands in my pockets a few feet from Davis 's chair .
9 The boats thus grew from no clear design — but emerged organically , with asymmetrical spars , as if barely freed from the forms of the forest .
10 Her scalp gleamed as if freshly oiled , and pornographic tattoos seemed to writhe across it with a life of their own .
11 They gave off a pungent , horsey smell , as if freshly cut .
12 The stone gleamed as if freshly washed whilst every window was glazed , some with pure glass , others , despite the poor light , even displaying brave heraldic emblems in a variety of hues .
13 He fidgeted on his chair as if even thinking of them caused agitation .
14 One of their number said , as if consciously echoing Lenin , that the ultimatum ‘ destroys the brotherhood of the labouring classes of all nations , awakens manifestations of national animosity and obscures the class consciousness of the masses , in this manner favouring counter-revolution ’ .
15 Why did you lend him all that money ? ’ she demanded fiercely , as if somehow trying to put the blame on to him .
16 ‘ Maybe we should go to one of the hotels for tea or icecream ? ’ he asked fretfully , as if somehow sensing her withdrawal .
17 Some of the men , when they saw me looking at them , smiled shyly , and as if automatically scratched their swollen codpieces .
18 They look violent , as if just made .
19 Then , feeling oddly guilty , as if just thinking about another man was betraying Paul , she pushed the romantic picture away .
20 Yet Rachaela saw the brief daylight ebb with a slight amusement , waiting for Ruth to appear punctually , as if just coming home from school .
21 One of the centrepages was curled over , as if tactfully averting the gaze of the girl spreadeagled there .
22 With nothing but a pole up his back and a drum wedged between his legs he bashed away with panache , as if frantically sewing up a leaking willie with giant needle and thread .
23 They were both gazing out of the window like homesick boys , as if desperately wishing to be elsewhere .
24 as if belatedly recalling his manners , he got out to circle the car , opened her door for her .
25 My dogs were straining against the sledge now and yelping as if badly hurt .
26 He jerked forward as if physically attacked ready to defend himself .
27 Her hair never looked unkempt , but always shone as if newly brushed and was usually tied in a pony-tail with well-ironed blue or pink ribbon .
28 Barbirolli 's accompaniment may be rumbustious rather than subtle , yet the music sounds as if newly minted , alive in all its first audacious ardour and novelty .
29 John Wain — another Movement novelist — is said to have voted Conservative as early as 1951 , before he ever published a book , as if silently laying down a marker for the future : but then that was in the days of Winston Churchill .
30 Ilsa 's fingertip traced the stem , smooth , ash-grey and spotted mauve as if faintly bruised .
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