Example sentences of "[prep] and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She was thought to have remained at Wroughton until delivered to Scampton late in 1958 or early 1959 , where she had commenced operations seventeen years earlier , to be looked after and displayed by the Station .
2 Your personality , your way of doing things , your way of helping someone to dress , how you listen to them — all these can make it a Home where the residents feel secure , looked after and treated with dignity , as explained below :
3 Despite his many sales of things from Douglas Cooper 's collection , a substantial amount of art remained , much of it in Switzerland , where it was looked after and catalogued by Billy 's curator , Dorothy Kozinski .
4 Milton Keynes has been running a befriender scheme where persistent offenders are looked after and advised by adults … it was working … but yesterday closed because of a shortage of cash …
5 Mr Gairns noted that proprieties were properly observed : ‘ a separate entrance to this department direct from the Stratford Road enables the girls to enter after and leave before the male employees .
6 The whole day had been a strange one for a young lady like herself who had never been allowed to go out on her own , had been carefully looked after and protected at all times from the impact of the world in which most people lived .
7 I am very concerned about women , their rights and how they are looked after and protected at work .
8 For only in the formal processes of the courts was there any common alternative to the use of force ; and in most European countries throughout the period of this book kings and their officers had the greatest difficulty in preventing might from proving stronger than right : disorder was endemic , justice weak — but none the less sought after and admired for being in short supply .
9 Lying in bed and being looked after and enveloped in love , by day and by night .
10 A rehabilitated person is one who has been convicted of and sentenced for an offence or offences and who has not committed a further offence or offences during the appropriate rehabilitation period and that period has expired .
11 This method of bandaging provides a firm grip that is less likely to slide of and fall in festoons during the ensuing bout .
12 From the 1860s , however , growing numbers of those who had no desire to question or to alter the nature of the economic system became uneasy about the prevailing diagnosis of the causes of and cure for poverty .
13 In this state his spirit was said to fly to the other world of spirits and there discover the cause of and cure for a person 's illness , the identity of a malefactor , or the nature of events destined to occur .
14 3.14 Except as provided expressly in this clause 3 , all rights in the Work , the Converted Text of the Work and the Trade Marks are the property of and reserved to .
15 The whole orderly structure of argument and assumption of course depended on slave-owners seeing the force of and benefit to them of these laws of development .
16 Another reason for the prominence of And waited in the above example is that it repeats verbatim information that has already been established in the previous sentence .
17 The management of the ambulance service is also making every effort to reassure both staff and the public to the essential soundness of the organisation and to take account of and act on their concerns .
18 Bearing in mind the fact that the report laid out only minimum welfare standards , will the Government take note of and act on the recommendations of the minority report issued at the same time ?
19 At the initial design stage , and during the implementation of the program , the programmer needs to be aware of and act upon a number of factors .
20 But a more complete understanding of the operation of and limits to parental rights in education requires a wider examination , of how the law deals with other areas where the interests of children , parents and the state are all in particularly sharp focus .
22 But , as Mao grew increasingly suspicious of and isolated from more distinguished revolutionary veterans , he turned increasingly to his secretary for help as he tried to rally support for more radical , leftist policies .
23 As the champion of the unskilled workers of Ireland , patriot and prophet of revolutionary socialism , Larkin claimed both independence of and support from all and sundry in the trade union world .
24 The six evils were : ( i ) prostitution and the use of brothels ; ( ii ) the production , sale and dissemination of pornography ; ( iii ) the abduction and sale of women and children ; ( iv ) the cultivation and consumption of and trafficking in drugs ; ( v ) the organization of gambling ; and ( vi ) the use of feudal and superstitious beliefs to swindle and harm people .
25 To be aware of and adhere to policies ( e.g. for patient safety ; for disposal of refuse ) .
26 Throughout the 1960s there was increasing analysis of and comment on what was seen to be Britain 's flagging economic performance .
27 Syllabic is most common after alveolar plosives and fricatives ; in the case of and followed by the plosive is nasally released by lowering the soft palate , so that in the word ‘ eaten ’ , for example , the tongue does not move in the sequence but the soft palate is lowered at the end of so that compressed air escapes through the nose .
28 The last ten years have seen the beginnings of a trend away from the study of objects for their own sake , stimulated partly by the discovery and excavation of settlement sites which have encouraged the formulation of a new range of questions ; the nature of and change in human societies have replaced the barren side of the artefacts .
29 Decibel is an oral character in the sense that she is part of a play , but she has nevertheless been conceived of and written by Perry .
30 BEDALE 'S Paul Holdroyd , a well-known figure on the North Yorkshire scene and president of Snape AC , has done what most anglers only dream of and invested in a guest house in southern Ireland .
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