Example sentences of "[prep] be [noun] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 The only place I could think of was Stonehenge which must have been spanking new then and as up to date as a Hilton or an out-of-town Sainsburys .
2 The other criteria I I I I tend to agree with are matters which are capable of being weighing and balancing against each other and they are not overriding , but I think those three matter which I specified are overriding and would rule out any location .
3 yeah more than that , what have they got to be these words they got ta be words which really what , which really make you feel what ?
4 There are certain to be cases which do not fall within these guidelines , and these will cause problems until such time as " case law " has been established .
5 In some cases population intermingled there 's bound to be conflict whatever happens , it seems to me that these problems can only be solved , first of all by ensuring that all eth ethnic groups have the right to their own culture , their own language , their own religion and so on and to exercise them in their own territory , but they 're not discriminated again in jobs and housing and education , er and then also as you say to help with state sponsored finance people who do decide that they want to migrate , that they do n't want to live in somebody else 's Republic , that they do want to move across the border into , as it were , their own Republic .
6 so we 've got , if we do give them work to do it 's got to be stuff which they do n't feel inadequate to do .
7 ‘ I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances ’ ( Phil .
8 His point is that the elimination of these transformations also eliminates the Faulknerian quality of the passage , and that therefore Faulkner 's style is distinguished by a heavy use of these transformations , which , in general terms , happen to be rules which introduce and condense syntactic complexity .
9 Now you 've er , you 've defined what you think is , what you consider to be Marxism which is the political aim , the strategy and of course within your definition er it 's so easy to er make a definition which suits your premise that er the Chinese Party was not Marxist .
10 For Acheson , who became Secretary of State in January 1949 , as for most of the Administration , Congress and probably most of the American people , and as a straight and simple choice , France was more important than Vietnam or Indo-China and more valuable than a party aspiring to be government which , in spite of impeccable anti-colonial credentials and its ability to present itself as all things to all men , was beginning to look more and more like an affiliated communist state .
11 It must surely be significant that in an age when the evidence for women as writers is so sparse , two out of the five writers here discussed are women and that both present their spirituality nourished by physical debility , coloured by gender-specific terms , and very evidently rooted in the affective piety stimulated by the visual iconography of the Incarnation ; although both found these to be factors which precipitated their experience of transcendent being and for Julian , in particular , they triggered her sense of that which is ineffable .
12 Even if one rejected Mill 's answer to the question , ‘ What does it mean to say something is white ? ’ one might still hold there to be conditions which have to be satisfied for a colour-word to be used meaningfully .
13 The hallmarks seem to be conditions which are not drafted with any particular parties or transaction in mind , that are used for a series of contracts , and in respect of which the person who puts them forward does not expect much , if any , negotiation to take place .
14 Dot tried to imagine that the two women in front were her footmen and she was one of the royal princesses , preferably Margaret because she would n't have to be queen which would be quite a responsibility if you thought about it , going for a drive in a carriage with her regal dogs and her regal flowers .
15 Draft MPG6 makes it clear that coastal super quarries are considered to be sites which produce at least 5 million tonnes per annum with reserves of at least 150 mt .
16 Draft MPG6 makes it clear that coastal super quarries are considered to be sites which produce at least 5 million tonnes per annum with reserves of at least 150 mt .
17 The arguments in Beyond the Pleasure Principle which sought to establish that all organisms aim at death , a return to the state of inanimate matter , were admitted by Freud to be ones which could be overthrown by later biological research .
18 If there are to be changes which are likely to generate controversy it 's a good idea to consult the LEA inspector who has pastoral responsibility for the school .
19 But Hilton is chiefly concerned with exploring how it is possible for contemplation and action to be states which are mutually creative and fulfilling for the lord .
20 As I hope I have made clear already , the objectives have to be things which can actually be achieved by advertising — ‘ to increase sales ’ is not an advertising objective , though it is something to which advertising can and should contribute .
21 However , what appears to be competition/soliciting which can not be restrained without an express clause frequently amounts to a breach of the duty of fidelity .
22 More , they came to be models which readers wanted and , for most of them , which readers still want .
23 While the permanent plants get themselves established there are bound to be gaps which need temporary fillers .
24 There is clearly — indeed there would have to be — more to Cemaleddin Aksarayi 's life than the sources record , and while in a general way it is unquestionably right to urge caution in adopting Husameddin 's material , in this particular case there appears to be evidence which at the least requires an alternative explanation before being dismissed .
25 Throughout the 1930s Hollywood was to make films condemning various abuses and malpractices in the American system and there were always to be films which clung to the conventions of the city film as they had emerged in the early part of the decade .
26 I think there , there was a genuine democratic element to this that , that it , i i i it was n't going to be forcible socialism , it was going to be socialism which would come naturally because that would be what the population wanted .
27 They used to In the lace market there used to be factories what used to make lace er and er a lady used to er go and take fetch so much lace out and she used to give it out to people what wanted to do it .
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