Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 And er she just sort of that it happened so quickly .
2 So you 'd say that as a b er as a result of that it did it did er so it did When you say it served its purpose , it did improve the image ?
3 So what with Carole 's soft voice and that we did n't get a lot of and it seemed as though it was well like that , several times I went last year and I really got a bit cheesed off .
4 I was put off it from an early age because it used to be used in the by-lines in the Daily Telegraph and it sort of and it looked a bit wrong .
5 No , it was a piece I am very fond of and it happened to be in quite a few programmes at that time .
6 He said it was to prevent the priest being mixed up , it was an opportunity to a new priest to come in and sort of if it had become he could establish groups .
7 Hank came in and did a lot of recordings , which I was glad of because it gave me some relief .
8 In the case described in our earlier debate by the hon. Gentleman , the local authority would make its decision to withdraw or not to withdraw discount on the basis of whether it thought that the dwelling in question was the auntie 's sole or main residence .
9 In the mid-1960s wage bargaining in the public sector became more politicized and produced frequent confrontations with the central government , regardless of whether it had an incomes policy or not .
10 In the light of their two powerful flashlights visibility was all that could be wished for and it took them only two minutes to carry out their examination : unless one is looking for some obscure mechanical fault there is very little to look for in an engine-room .
11 His face was thin and emaciated , drawn together as if it spent each night in some kind of linen press .
12 The wall was as transparent as glass , but it was as if it revealed only another wall of uniform greyness .
13 It was necessary in 1859 to write about the process of evolution as if it produced the best of all possible worlds , a substitute for the finger of the Almighty at work .
14 as if it reflected something in herself .
15 She said her name timidly , as if it felt strange to address her so .
16 She swallowed as if it caused her pain , her face screwed up .
17 Even in daylight it had a sombre , suspicious air as if it wished to slink back from the adjoining houses .
18 The prison did little to lighten their mood : grey frowning walls with a few sombre buildings peeping above them , and a black gateway with an arch which yawned as if it wished to devour any unfortunate who approached it .
19 ‘ It was as if it knew exactly where to go . ’
20 So he took it , and played something soft and sad , something plaintive and melancholy that rose up every third line as if it was going to shake off its sorrow and fly forward and free ; but then in the fourth it curled back on itself and fell again : reluctantly , sometimes , but always resignedly , as if it knew it was going to fall ; as if it had been striving and falling back again for hundreds of years .
21 But the voice that had spoken waited , as if it knew that eventually Creggan would speak the truth .
22 It had been saddled up ready for him and as Li Yuan stood there , it turned its head curiously , its large dark eyes meeting the prince 's as if it knew its new owner .
23 In the far corner , the cat cowered as if it knew it was in the presence of death .
24 ‘ What brings you here ? ’ said Aurora again , breathily , as if it mattered , flicking out the light and sitting again with practised gaucherie .
25 ‘ He got it wrong Wigs by Clarkson as if it mattered .
26 The person to whom it is retailed says , ‘ as if it mattered which platform ! ’ )
27 as if it mattered .
28 She screwed up her face at the name as if it left a nasty taste in her mouth , adding : ‘ Ca n't abide that man .
29 Since we had been back in Reine , Jean-Claude had stopped speaking of Montaine 's death as if it haunted him unduly .
30 ‘ shall have effect as if it granted or provided for the grant of a tenancy for a term of 10 years , subject to a right exercisable either by the landlord or the tenant to determine the tenancy , if the war ends before the expiration of that term , by at least one month 's notice in writing given after the end of the war ; …
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