Example sentences of "[adj] she [vb mod] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If our dieter had done this she would still have achieved what she set out to achieve within her dieting year .
2 You know when things got fresh she 'd perhaps have enough for all week or till you went on the Tuesday , you see , yeah .
3 She was cruelly obsessed with class and if her children had not come from a background that she knew to be reliable she would certainly have ignored them as she ignored the au-pair girls .
4 If he was careful she might even allow him to travel back with her on the coach .
5 But we were afraid she might then escape .
6 If only conventions were not so rigid she could easily have had him for a lodger .
7 The change in her way of living was so vast she could scarcely credit it ; she would stop , sometimes , with the polishing rag in her hand , under the watchful eye of the parakeet , and say aloud : ‘ But this can never be me , not really me !
8 ‘ Luke will , ’ Anna said unfairly , turning away and looking at her beautifully dug earth , and thinking how much she would just like to lie down on it and sleep .
9 At most , she 'll reprimand you , and she 'd hate that so much she 'd probably ask me to do it for her . ’
10 She would need stock , after all , and if the selection was n't too impossible she could probably keep it long enough to clear it .
11 When Alejandro yelled at Perdita to tack up a little chestnut gelding , she was so nervous she could hardly do up the throat lash or adjust the stirrups .
12 At the end of the first year Susan realised that although the business was profitable she could hardly take out enough money to live on because she was heavily reliant on her bank and creditors already .
13 At thirty-seven she could only say for sure who she was not and she felt that time was running out .
14 Something so awful she would never be able to put it past her .
15 His voice was so low she could scarcely catch the words .
16 His voice was so low she could hardly hear him .
17 Cheshire social services chief David Whitehead said Siobhan was so weak she could hardly walk .
18 ‘ Ellen , you know as well as I do that she can never forget me !
19 There was the comparison of the view she had enjoyed — one of the world 's most expensive — across Manhattan 's Central Park with that she will now have of the exercise yard at her new home , also known as Central Park .
20 She did n't want to die , but if it came to that she 'd rather go out fighting .
21 In each she could happily have hopped off into the side-streets with their displays of over-priced gauds but Nils had insisted on timing things right .
22 I was just thinking that maybe at the beginning of the day people could , if she knows who is due she could actually write that in , and when they came she could just tick that that they 'd arrived .
23 I could see , again , how striking she must once have been , when her primly drawn-back grey hair had presumably matched her eyes , ‘ with all that 's fair of black and bright ’ .
24 Germany already pays a staggering 68% of the Community s income : the system of ‘ concentric circles ’ would only increase her influence over the Community even more and if the club was reduced to eight she would unavoidably become dominant .
25 On the other hand , if it was accidental she might even forgive him .
26 But the harder they pressed her , the more confused she would probably have become .
27 But unless she is lucky she will also meet others who have opted for different solutions to the problem of how to be a teacher .
28 It made me appreciate just how frustrated she must so often feel .
29 He would too — he was so angry at her threat that I 'm sure she would never dare to carry it out . ’
30 just going to Palace Brook Castle , she 's not really sure she might just give us a pound for erm .
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