Example sentences of "[adj] use [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The definition of breakdown now adopted is in line with that used by other companies .
2 It 's a frequent irritation however that British television companies are n't obliged to give the credit that is so manifestly due , especially since , in the last few years , the quality and range of recorded music for dramas and documentaries has become as almost diverse as that used in European cinema over the last few decades .
3 Scientific examination has shown that they are made of bronze similar to that used in genuine Italic figures from Italy and the patination appears to have developed over a long period , suggesting that they are not modern copies .
4 In other words , this approach uses a concept of industrial change which is broader than that used in long-wave theory .
5 This letter has a different format from that used in previous years — again , the result of widespread consultation with centres .
6 Not only are these songs impossible to use dramatically , they 're also too vague to use as incidental music , to underline or punctuate aspects of Holly 's life or the 1950s more generally .
7 Use of home workers was unrelated to use of temporary workers ( Table 3.14 ) , and only in the private service sector was there a clear and significant positive relationship between use of freelancers and use of agency workers ( Table 3.15 ) .
8 It is very easy to use with on-screen help and it uses a large type font , you can also change screen colours .
9 The linker is easy to use with smooth yarns , but textured yarns can be difficult to cast off .
10 It is easy to see why the Author was the winner of an award for ‘ U.K. Best Shareware Author ’ with programs that are so easy to use with on-line help that a manual is not needed .
11 Sandvik chisels ( shown below ) are made from high quality tool steel , with bevel-edged blades and a cutting angle of 25° , so they 're easy to use in tight corners .
12 The researchers have been working in this area and have produced a new kind of geometric structure which is particularly appropriate to use in statistical theory .
13 While Reference claim that some of the analogue-to-digital conversion technology is more advanced than that used by major recording labels the approach is not entirely new .
14 We found the machine was fairly comfortable to use for long periods , but the high body did make it slightly awkward to control in tight corners .
15 Of course , it is quite possible to use in other positions an adjective that adds no fresh property to the entity to which it is applied , as in ( 14 ) ( ordinary predicative position ) and ( 15 ) ( predicate qualifier ) : ( 14 ) ( 15 ) However , failure to contribute a fresh property is not the essence of non-restriction .
16 The Faroese ( well , most of them ) maintain that those who oppose their traditional ways are people who have never had to hunt and kill to survive , who are happy to let other people ‘ do the dirty work ’ and to buy their meat ready-packaged from a supermarket ; that whale- and bird-hunting are community activities which help foster a ‘ community spirit ’ and that the birds and animals are all used for human food .
17 These were all used in large blocks for strong walling and arch voussoirs .
18 Although the atmosphere , mmHg and torr are all used in scientific work , they should strictly be used only for rough comparisons or as ratios .
19 This project will try to develop ways of doing automatic semantic tagging using techniques of the same general kind as those used for part-of-speech tagging .
20 The European Radiocommunications Office also wants to introduce procedures to allow for rapid response to requests for frequency allocation in bands recognised as those used for outside broadcasting or electronic news gathering .
21 There is a range of waste pipe fittings similar to those used for fresh water plumbing , except that elbows and tees are often slightly more than a right angle ( 91½° to 92½° ) to make sure that the pipes fall properly .
22 Some employ seasonal workers on indefinite contracts identical to those used for permanent workers .
23 If all these measures fail , it may be necessary to use a pole with a rag securely tied on to it or clearing rods similar to those used for clearing drains .
24 I do n't like pale substrates , as I find they promote nervousness in fish , especially those used to dark bottoms covered in leaf-litter and other detritus .
25 This may prove tedious to those used to alternative leisure pursuits .
26 While mail order , trading checks and weekly credit callers or tallymen continue to be the forms of credit which most obviously meet the needs of those used to weekly budgeting , and to being paid weekly in cash , they are likely to continue to be the obvious choice for many such people — regardless of truth-in-lending regulations .
27 Unions should be particularly well placed to advise employers on information programmes designed to alert those used to weekly budgeting to the best ways of profiting from a change to monthly pay-and sometimes might well undertake such programmes themselves .
28 For those used to conventional interiors with basic seating and flat metal instrument panels , there will be something of a culture shock .
29 It did resemble those used on certain other B.E.T .
30 Dot-matrix printers , such as those used with popular makes of personal computer , and line-printers ( which are normally used with larger , usually centralized , computers ) can be used to generate cheap , but not particularly accurate , maps and diagrams .
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