Example sentences of "[adj] and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On arrival at the theatre I was met by Mr and Mrs Alexander Heymeyer , the latter was originally Scottish and born on the Isle of Skye .
2 The easily identifiable tartan mark is your guarantee that the salmon you are buying is genuinely Scottish and produced in accordance with a stringent set of quality standards , enforced by Food From Britain inspectors .
3 This demonstrates that there are indeed certain junctions which both tend to be rated as risky and tend to be recalled by many subjects .
4 This was risky and proved to be an extremely ill-advised tactic .
5 ( The grant was repeated in 1876 and lodged in the National Bank , Bridgend ) .
6 It had been built in 1876 and consisted of a whole succession of low-roofed , dormer-windowed , gabled buildings .
7 Left a widow at the age of twenty-nine , she returned to England in 1876 and settled with her son and two stepdaughters in the developing suburb of Wimbledon .
8 Burntisland shipped 190,000 in 1876 and jumped to over 500,000 tons by 1880 .
9 Naji Robert Nahas , the speculator who provoked the collapse in share prices after defaulting on extensive debts , was arrested in Sao Paulo on Oct. 30 and charged with fraud .
10 Nazmu Virani , chair and chief executive of the property concern Control Securities , was arrested on March 30 and charged with conspiring to present false accounts to the value of $4,000,000 in 1984-85 to BCCI 's auditors , Price Waterhouse .
11 The Bourequat brothers — three French citizens who had been imprisoned without charge for over 17 years — were pardoned by King Hassan II on Dec. 30 and returned to France on Jan. 3 .
12 Madani and Belhadj were detained on June 30 and accused of organizing an " armed conspiracy " .
13 Below the Foundation Stone a later tablet was unveiled on 3 April 1960 to commemorate T W T Jackson who was born in 1895 and died in 1956 .
14 It is my purpose to expose such ideas as erroneous and offer in their place an account based on social processes .
15 These people are very primitive and live in small groups , moving from place to place .
16 The word associated with Lórien most often is ‘ stain' — an odd word , both French and Norse in origin , with an early meaning of ‘ to lose lustre ’ as well as ‘ to discolour ’ .
17 She had long given up the tussle with French and lapsed into straight English ( which Therese , damn it , was supposed to understand ) .
18 Some policemen are both reflective and compassionate enough to realize this and admit to it .
19 I thought about this and came to the conclusion that it seemed a very good philosophy .
20 Preston thought about this and came to no satisfactory conclusion .
21 If we press this and insist on doubting what the humanist holds as indubitable , we uncover a hornet 's nest of assumptions and presuppositions which are far from being rationally indubitable .
22 The Anisminic decision goes much further than this and says in effect that A 's decision can be set aside by the courts if they disagree with his interpretation of the rules which he is required to apply .
23 That 's all it comes by is human learning , and you 're neglecting that , you say , that is you are n't developing a learning society and you 're going to pay for this and pay for this and pay for this , you see , and your children will pay for it , your grandchildren will pay for it , you see , just what you 're doing to the educational system , what you 're doing to the universities and you 're so far behind from what erm most other modern countries are .
24 An adult owl normally knows this and stays in shelter , but inexperienced hunters may not have the sense to come in out of the rain .
25 To ignore this and focus on the false antithesis of punctuation versus gradualism , with no mechanism to explain either , is to engage in a scholastic war of words largely devoid of scientific content .
26 Walk along this and stay on it till it disappears at the top ridge .
27 Turn left on this and follow for 1/2 mile to junction with main drive of Witley Court .
28 The final hymn had eight verses , not to speak of a chorus of Hallelujahs at the end of each one ; Mr Frizzell enjoyed this and sang in a pleasant tenor voice .
29 I told him I was writing a book about Sudan , and managed to make some tenuous link between this and benefit to his airline .
30 Endill did not know what he meant by this and ran after him for an explanation .
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