Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You blamed Gran-gran for being selfish , but what about you ?
2 The Economist that bastion of left wing thinking commissioned an actuary to estimate the likely number of vacancies during a parliament ten point seven three sorry to be precise about this colleagues Tory MPs can be expected to die over a full five year term , I 'm sorry for being morbid .
3 I 'm sorry for being nosey .
4 He did not know how to tell her that he was very , very sorry for being small , and for snivelling , and for ruining her life so that she could not go to America to be a film-star .
5 I 'd liked her until the money lending began , and I was sorry for being unkind to her .
6 ‘ I 'm not sorry for being angry over that , ’ he said , surprisingly .
7 An older history brought this idea forward to a new era : we were brought up to be simply grateful for being alive , guilty at the fact of our existence .
8 Guilty for being alive .
9 Gradually society 's standards become internalised and an individual becomes his or her own source of rewards and punishments ; for example congratulating him or herself for being polite and feeling guilty for being rude .
10 And you 're not really , and you feel guilty for being snappy but then you er know what I mean ?
11 I think it 's part of a vicious circle , that sometimes it 's guilt which leads to depression and then women feel guilty about being depressed and that 's why they take what is on offer to them .
12 There 's no need to look guilty about being frightened .
13 Is that for being good or is that for for having good clean teeth ?
14 Erm er I think they 're probably and and they 're putting more effort into getting the unemployed off being unemployed off being unemployed into course are n't they so probably the they may have improved things but anyway the basic erm idea of it was that you borrow money er you borrow erm money to finance a course which is going to get you a job .
15 Erm er I think they 're probably and and they 're putting more effort into getting the unemployed off being unemployed off being unemployed into course are n't they so probably the they may have improved things but anyway the basic erm idea of it was that you borrow money er you borrow erm money to finance a course which is going to get you a job .
16 This found that girls who had felt isolated and embarrassed about being pregnant or having babies felt less stigma about this after they had attended the units and could take a much more realistic view of their situation .
17 There is nothing clever or manly about being dirty and smelly and you have every right to withhold your physical dealings with a body that revolts you .
18 He was doubtful about being sole incumbent in five parishes — he had visualized a team ministry — and even more doubtful about the rural ministry in itself Did he …
19 The association released details of a survey of 244 carers showing that half of were unsure of their duties under the Act .
20 He wrote that his mother 's ‘ hopeful ambition ran high of being able to make me a good scholar . ’
21 Remarks ( i ) One might try to employ this sort of manoeuvre ( exercise 10(c) ) on any given polynomial one suspected of being irreducible .
22 You can pay for , a group of you if you want , you know , i if some of are happy to , you know , there 'll be two or three of you that will help .
23 Gardening is another of 's active hobbies .
24 However , while the romantic is afraid of being ordinary , Jesus was so ordinary that even his own family could see nothing special about him .
25 In contrast , other people who are afraid of being ordinary and who miss the diversion of continual excitement may need to create a series of crises and emotionally charged situations to reassure themselves that they are alive .
26 " I used to teach , " said Mrs Denham , " but I was always so afraid of being boring that I could never talk for long enough .
27 They can be interested on the central questions , if the central questions are sent in a framework that they do understand , and perhaps it 's best when it 's done by somebody who is bold , not afraid of being amateurish , not afraid of being controversial , because theology erm is a world that can mean obfuscation .
28 Do n't filter them out because they seem silly , and do n't be afraid of being wrong .
29 ‘ Are you so afraid of being wrong that you 're prepared to put up warning notices for those involved ? ’
30 But I expect that will suit you , since you seem to be afraid of being alone with me . ’
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