Example sentences of "[verb] over [art] country " in BNC.

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1 China has about 4.3 million biogas production plants installed over the country and about 100 000 personnel trained in biogas production .
2 damage it must do over the country
3 But even after the distribution of millions of tonnes of food aid , and spending $162 million on measures to prevent soil loss , the spectre of another disaster hangs over the countries of the Sahel , Mauretania , Mali , Upper Volta , Niger , Chad and part of the Sudan are all threatened .
4 I listened all day , from the bright , undemanding getting-up-time music to the midnight news , at that terrible hour , owl-season , when newspapers have been put to bed and cold skin grows over the country 's cocoa .
5 Flying over the country at fifteen thousand feet at night , I had seen strange toy woods and towns and the eiderdown pattern of the fields .
6 The Report began by identifying some 130,000 part-time teachers in further and adult education who were at that time employed by local authorities and although nobody knows how many are employed over the country as a whole at present , even after the severe reductions of recent years they are likely to number more than 100,000 .
7 These jobs are not evenly distributed over the country .
8 Our hospital organisation has grown up with no plan , with no system ; it is unevenly distributed over the country and indeed it is one of the tragedies of the situation that very often the best hospital facilities are available where they are least needed .
9 The country is pleasantly undulating around here , and it reminds me a bit of Italy , with the hot sunshine , and the little red-roofed farms and houses dotted over the country .
10 But although we found little , report had magnified our findings in no ordinary degree and we afterwards learnt that it had gone over the country around that we had dug up a great treasure of gold .
11 The position can be even further distorted by votes for a particular party being concentrated in a particular region or locality , as opposed to being evenly spread over the country as a whole .
12 And in all Western European countries the state is increasingly involved in trying to ensure that the system works , proper standards are met , that facilities are reasonably equally spread over the country and so on .
13 It can only fly over the country called Balnibarbi , which belongs to the King of Laputa .
14 Wadsworth expressed it : " In the early eighties , quite suddenly , the Sunday school movement flashed over the country .
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