Example sentences of "[verb] on some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He was also confronted by continuing obstruction and hostility from Roosevelt , the US State Department , and Churchill ( though by this stage he could at least count on some support from the Foreign Office ) .
2 He would report her missing and the crime would doubtlessly be blamed on some tramp or itinerate worker .
3 The Act lists basic questions to be asked but permits census-to-census variation and often a census will concentrate on some topic of current interest .
4 It was when he tried to move that he found his robe was caught on some obstruction .
5 ‘ I 've got to work on some stuff for an article , ’ she said .
6 Put on some make-up too , and that silver and lapis lazuli necklace your father gave you . ’
7 said she might be small she said but she ai n't half put on some weight you know
8 It is interesting to note that stereo sound is already featured on some video recorders and camcorders , and it seems that it is only a matter of time before it becomes standard as for sound recorders .
9 Some damage is always done , no matter how careful the technique , and the recovery of small mammal assemblages nearly always depends on some form of screening which can be moderately destructive .
10 Is he aware that that drug is not grown on some poppy field in South America but that 98 per cent .
11 Every syllable is said on some pitch ; pitch in speech is closely related to the frequency of vibration of the vocal folds and to the musical notion of low- and high-pitched notes .
12 Of course this is not an absolute distinction , as historical descriptions depend on some kind of theoretical orientation , and theory depends on systematic observation and description of linguistic forms ( otherwise there is nothing to have a theory about ) .
13 Both of these problems depend on some clarification of what can be legitimately called censorship , and the question of what is censorship will be examined later .
14 We happened on some good 'uns , and we happened on some sort of funny ones when we goo round .
15 Any clusterer should be founded on some kind of theory based on probabilities .
16 She looked at Lily 's shrunk and sanded face , abstracted on some pinnacle of pain , and saw it lanced by the fierce thrust of grass and sucked dry by the brutal assault of flowers .
17 probably yeah , they 've gone outside though Ah I was gon na say to you if you get us all going on some aerobics
18 According to a simple version of the adaptive expectations hypothesis , the expected rate of inflation is revised each period by adding on some proportion ( say , w ) of the observed error in the previous period , where w lies between zero and one .
19 The new borrower will insist on some element of non-recourse .
20 If an advertiser does n't insist on some scheduling guarantee for investing in a programme , he needs his head tested . ’
21 Most Latin American countries have embarked on some sort of land reform programme , though these have varied considerably across the region in scope and depth .
22 It follows from this that any anthropologist who selects a particular category word from his own mother tongue , e.g. incest , marriage , family , myth , religion , and then embarks on some kind of cross-cultural study of institutions which he lumps together under such headings , is begging all the questions which are of serious interest !
23 But I shall still have to draw on some capital Brenda , nevertheless .
24 It is very different , and as you can see has to be based on some knowledge or understanding .
25 A problem arises here : the company policies and procedures need to be based on some knowledge of employees ' willingness to move but asking the employees whether they are willing to relocate will not provide constructive answers unless those concerned can have answers to their questions based on hard facts — which are usually given in written policy statements .
26 Are they based on some notion of ‘ inherent ’ differences ?
27 Other Christians would say that , while the stories may be based on some happening in the life of Jesus , the importance of the Nature miracles is that they teach people crucial matters of faith in Jesus .
28 Some , however , were concerned about the nature of the play activities , almost all of which were seen to be based on some kind of violence .
29 Such economic transformations tend to undermine both the national independence of Third World countries , and the autonomy of women where this is based on some degree of control over land .
30 A hybrid form of non-contingent cost based fee arrangement is to quote on a time basis for all work on the basis that the fee is payable whether or not the transaction completes in addition to arranging for a ‘ success fee ’ to be payable eg. a fixed amount on any completion and/or a sliding scale based on some monitor of performance .
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