Example sentences of "[verb] is that the " in BNC.

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1 What they suggest is that the roots of these activities lay deep in popular or folk culture but that ultimately the new urban manifestation of these activities revealed more about the values of the business classes than they did about the masses themselves .
2 The surprising conclusion they suggest is that the Council was more of a brake on the sovereignty of the Assembly than is usually supposed .
3 The interpretation they suggest is that the compositions of the trusts were changing too quickly for the adjustment procedure .
4 The fact presupposed is that the Earth revolves on its axis so that places on the Earth have varying positions relative to the Sun .
5 What matters is that the Labour leader is suddenly there , reminding one how infrequently he has been there hitherto .
6 What matters is that the creative solution has a credible and realistic basis .
7 What matters is that the doctors should consider whether at that time he had a capacity which was commensurate with the gravity of the decision which he purported to make .
8 What matters is that the authorities exercise their responsibility for checking and double checking what happens on the ground .
9 Under the " once-and-for-all " test what matters is that the income can be used to benefit the individual in question in the year of assessment in which it arises , and it does not matter if it is not possible so to apply that income in a subsequent year of assessment .
10 However , what is expected is that the Bank of England will require all banks under the Banking Act of 1987 to keep a ratio of ‘ primary liquid assets ’ to some definition of deposit liabilities .
11 The unfortunate fact that my right hon. Friend must recognise is that the current treaty has been negotiated by the current Government , who do not share our sense of priorities .
12 What Willis emphasises is that the culture of the shop floor is bounded and has a special sense of completeness about it .
13 A feature of Pauling 's theory now largely forgotten is that the chain of amino acids in a protein can , at least in principle , be twisted either to the left or the right , giving both left and right-handed helical structures .
14 What must never be forgotten is that the meaning of the word ‘ god ’ shall be such that its definition can be accepted by all the leading and reasonable people of all races , taught to all children , and be so firmly entrenched within the powers of reason and logic that it becomes inviolable .
15 What line B specifies is that the reckoning is God 's : the indicates " the efficient cause ( or personal agent ) " with the passive .
16 All that is happening is that the story is taken over at various points by each of the members of the cast .
17 What is happening is that the English rural landscape is slowly becoming divided into three major types in the lowlands .
18 What I hope ( and would like to think ) is happening is that the children are aware of the onlookers , but that they 're making a choice to stay in role ; that their engagement with the issues and the problems of the drama is what is keeping them intent on their work .
19 Alright , and effectively what 's , what 's happening is that the government sectors in erm , in developing countries are very highly subsidized .
20 What is happening is that the old orthodoxies are being softened , rather than up-ended .
21 what 's happening is that the membership handbook should have been out last week but I think it 's actually going out physically today and I 've done a reminder which 'll be mailed out with it erm making one or two little pointed remarks about blah blah blah this is a very important event and please note it is not in Edinburgh you know erm S S K are very supportive of us we should you know take advantage of this very important
22 What we do know is that the first Rottweiler to be registered with the New Zealand Club was Auslese Montrachet , who was imported from Australia .
23 What I do know is that The Da completely missed the point , as usual .
24 ‘ What I do know is that the scale of success we could be embarking upon far out-strips anything I experienced at Liverpool .
25 I 'm not very good at that sort of thing but … one thing we do know is that the Bravoes know we 're involved .
26 But what few people realise is that the SAS has two Territorial Army regiments .
27 The view to which we have come is that the cause was part of a causal circumstance as conceived .
28 Do not forget you also have a responsibility to treat the case properly , all I say is that the 4 oz syndrome is no longer the answer .
29 So , what we say is that the more things are eight until twelve .
30 But I think , but I do think it does mean that the first thing we say is that the work is more important than some of , maybe some of the , the nicer to have three year projects at the moment .
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