Example sentences of "[verb] up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Way actually joins up with the Cotswold Way at this point if you fancy a more epic walk .
2 It joins up with the Mill Avon . ’
3 Britishers , de Kruif told Lewis , did not get their science and their dollars mixed up to the same extent as Americans .
4 This is gently mixed up with the compost and the worms get to work .
5 I am beginning to get mixed up with the days of the month .
6 We used to get mixed up with the fight .
7 She tried to recall his face , but got it mixed up with the actor , Edward James Olmos .
8 In most minds that entertain thoughts on either subject , the SSC is mixed up with the idea of the Higgs particle .
9 If the surfaces were cleaned by sand blasting , that concrete dust would be mixed up with the sand used in the cleaning ; but when the surfaces are cleaned with dry ice , the pellets sublime away into easily filtered gas .
10 Jacques , you said this Rauff has been mixed up with the likes of Dauphin , Giselle and Umbretti .
11 Another way of seeing Cutler 's position , especially his historical schema , is as a conflation of Marx and Marshall McLuhan ; ‘ mode of production ’ as organizing concept gets mixed up with the Canadian communication theorist 's ‘ medium is the message ’ philosophy , in which consciousness , cultural forms and social organization all derive primarily from the effects of the various media .
12 There , in the mouth of the stream where it meets the sea and its sweetness gets mixed up with the salt , a fisherman I used to know set his traps .
13 He was ‘ more largely mixed up with the principal people and events of his time than any other man ’ ( Charles Greville , Greville Memoirs , 1874–8 ) .
14 However my own opinion , for what it is worth , is that the possibility of making moral judgements is inextricably mixed up with the possession of language capability in quite a different form from that which has been shown to exist in experimental domesticated apes .
15 They 're coming in on a starship disguised as a Boeing 747 so that the locals wo n't suspect until it 's too late , but when they land at London Heathrow their baggage gets lost ; all their heavy weaponry ends up in Miami and gets mixed up with the luggage of some psychiatrists attending an international symposium on anal-fixation after death , and : Freudians take over the world with the captured high-tech .
16 ‘ Yes , he got his face mixed up with the spokes of —
17 All this was mixed up with the newspapers and the money .
18 I got mixed up with the wrong crowd for a while …
19 I I 've got mixed up with the names of the things .
20 Much of the controversy is actually mixed up with the nation 's political history .
21 We called it that so if it leaked out it would get mixed up with the old Winter Garden names . ’
22 It 's mixed up with the levy on Copts , apparently . ’
23 Apricot glaze is used for securing icing and marzipan to basic cakes , and is useful as a barrier to prevent cake crumbs from being mixed up with the icing .
24 If a pulse follows too hard on the heels of its predecessor it gets mixed up with the echo of its predecessor returning from a distant target .
25 Mixed up with the mob
26 It 's all been mixed up with the
27 Now why those places should be funny , and we have to apologise to all the people who live there , but it does sound funny , and they er they just er the trials and tribulations they have when their own rather complex personal lives get mixed up with the play they 're doing .
28 If the plagioclase concentration is still less than critical for plagioclase alone , then the plagioclase would be mixed up into the ‘ clear layer ’ in the same way that in the experiments fine particles were swept up from the interfacial zone into the clear layer .
29 And there were some tears , too , when they were all getting ready to go home : someone had got someone else 's paper hat ; and that was somebody else 's whistle ; even coats got mixed up between the Pratt twins .
30 Solid , castellated , and colonnaded for much of its length , it suddenly takes off into a free-flowing fantasy of spires and spirelets , as if two different architects ' designs had got mixed up on the drawing-board .
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