Example sentences of "[verb] at all [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The ability to communicate at all levels , and to retain the confidence of your clients is vital ; you have to work with each other , so this confidence must exist and must override any personality clashes .
2 He needs at all rimes to be in full possession of his faculties , or that extra , unpredictable poetic thrust would never declare itself — that heart-lifting boost that rockets mere words into the outer spaces of true poetry .
3 Here police monitoring of the large crowds was facilitated by ‘ sophisticated radio equipment supplied by the Army , hot lines to the White House and the Pentagon , and an 8 by 12-foot map of the city , complete with a zoom-lens television camera for closeups , that could show where every police officer and other security force was located at all times ’ ( Farber , 1988:159 ) .
4 Breakfast is included at all hotels and at some , you 'll also be given dinner inclusive of the voucher price .
5 It has at all times been an act of faith and a declaration of belief , the faith and the belief that a society and a nation will fare best , in this world and the next , where the most promising of its youth are withdrawn at a critical period of their development to spend several years in close and intimate proximity with one another and with those whose talent and delight is the pursuit of knowledge of all kinds for its own sake and the communication of that talent and delight to their successors .
6 Durability has at all times been a main attribute of the materials held in highest regard and it is precisely the most durable things that have most chance of surviving .
7 Yet the transmission of precious substances in the form of jewellery or other objects of display has at all times and most notably during the last five millennia served the same purpose the world over , that of signalling and enhancing status .
8 Upjohn has at all times contended that Halcion is safe and effective and that any errors in the presentation of its material to the Licensing Authority were unintended , and it is suing the BBC for libel .
9 And the easiest way to ensure that — a readiness to criticise the Government at each and every turn — is the one temptation he has at all costs to resist .
10 The most obvious incentive towards entertainment was ‘ the fact that the industry stands at all times in the presence of a high court with unlimited jurisdiction — the people before the box office ’ and from that court ‘ there is no appeal ’ .
11 The ANC wants its foreign supporters to ensure that once sanctions are declared dead there will be a concerted campaign to make certain that they are actually lifted at all levels in all countries .
12 These were refloored , covered with linoleum , coved at all angles , and hooks were fixed in the ceilings for suspending cots in two tiers on both sides for the naval trains , and folding berths in two tiers hinged to the sides for the military trains .
13 Several times while I was at Magdalen he had me to dine at All Souls with its distinguished Fellows .
14 His black hair sprouted at all angles from his scalp and he still had n't found time to shave .
15 Rooms were arranged round the atrium and colonnaded garden courts ( peristyles ) so shades or sun could be enjoyed at all seasons and time of day .
16 It is the stuff of dreams and memories and heady ways on the rock : all the more valuable in that it can be enjoyed at all levels of difficulty .
17 Obviously confidentiality , discretion and anonymity will be respected at all times .
18 They have basic rights which you should respect at all times .
19 The best time to see the Lakes he felt was not necessarily high summer , and he recommended people to come at all times of the year so that they might appreciate the great torrents of water after rain and misty light on cloudy days .
20 The Technical Committee looks at all aspects of brewing and serving beer .
21 More problematically , open market areas need not be expected at all sites , because temporary stalls or even trestle tables could have been erected in side-streets , as in some modern towns today .
22 It must be remembered however that outgoing costs and a minimum level of profit should be recovered on each assignment and the practice of ‘ buying work ’ should be discouraged at all times .
23 any displacement of outside motion jobs by inside motion versions was regarded as a retrograde step and had to be discouraged at all costs .
24 The need for trade-offs should be recognized clearly , so as to avoid the implicit assumption that dignity is to be pursued at all costs . [ … ]
25 Essentially , it had a directing and supervisory role , ensuring that the policies laid down by the Politburo were known and vigorously pursued at all levels .
26 To be ready to work at all times .
27 It adds that ARC Northern had permission for quarrying and treatment of stone , apart from the roadstone coating , to work at all times , including Sundays .
28 I crossed it out because I thought it was gon na say cos I thought it said , survey managers are instructed to work at all times
29 In 1890 , Beatrice Webb referred caustically to ‘ individualists , reinforced by a batch of excellent ladies ( eager for the Right of Woman to work at all hours of the day and night with the minimum space and sanitation ) ’ who opposed any attempt to regulate conditions in workshops and the homework trades .
30 Underlying this simplistic approach is sound reasoning , namely that your audience needs to know at all times where they are during your presentation .
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