Example sentences of "[verb] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I see , I mean it 's good to see really that er test match has been dom well almost dominated at the moment , by , by a slow bowler , it 's an ideal situation for in England , batsmen done their job , England are in command , got lots of runs to play with , but it 's definitely the left arm spinner who 's causing the , the greatest problem out there , he 's , he 's landing it in the right place , he likes variation in that over , confident enough looks very tempted , always very difficult to come in at first twenty minutes as a batsman , when you 've come in on a turning wicket , a very , very , difficult .
2 Reversing its gains of Thursday , the FT-SE slipped back 28.9 to 2697.5 as profit taking dominated at the end of the account .
3 Curative , hospital-based medicine dominated at the expense of prevention , health promotion and community services , and high priority was given to the treatment of short-term episodes of acute illness to the detriment of the care and rehabilitation of the chronically ill .
4 It beat at the stonework and screamed about projections .
5 As I say , fun , fun , fun I say , like I say sometimes you can do a pissing rain in a fucking hole and have about four hours sleep at the weekend , then we get , we get back get into the bar and we 'd have a fucking good laugh about it .
6 Does Birmingham want a centre where people live and work , or a shopping complex that draws in people who live and sleep at the end of the bus routes ?
7 There are two chief types of tombs which date from the seventh to first century B.C. One type consists of a tumulus , or burial mound , of earth , circular in plan and surrounded at the base by a stone wall .
8 Earlier Kevin McNamara , Labour 's shadow Northern Ireland Secretary , described his own meeting on Ulster policy as ‘ overshadowed by a man coming to gloat at the scene of one the gravest blows to democracy carried out in these islands : the bombing of the Conservative Party conference ’ .
9 Johnny , as though realizing for the first time that he was still wearing his pyjama trousers , began to worry at the knot in the cord at his waist , the trembling of his hands causing him to fumble ineffectively .
10 That is either voltage or ligands , in the cases respectively of voltage activated channels or ligand activated channels , both of those factors will act at the level of gating .
11 In a quantum theory of gravity , as we saw in the last chapter , in order to specify the state of the universe one would still have to say how the possible histories of the universe would behave at the boundary of space-time in the past .
12 If you are going to fly your glider efficiently while turning steeply in thermals with other gliders , you need to know how it will behave at the stall .
13 Suppose that the increase in the money supply is announced in time to be included in that agents fully believe the central bank , and that the central bank behaves in period t in the way that it announced it would behave at the end of t - 1 .
14 Or there was the horse-racing , cricket or football in the parkland , a visit to the skating-rink , or simply marvelling at the mixture of bravura , vulgarity and confidence with which the Victorians had dropped this gigantic testament to British economic expansion into what were then the sleepy rural outskirts of the fast-expanding city .
15 On evening walks down Loreto , a lane of high stone walls , trying to decide on a restaurant , I would stop and run my hands over the ashlars , marvelling at the purity of each one as I have marvelled at the completeness of a sculpture by Brancusi ; each of them so tightly locked together that I found it impossible to fit a fingernail between them .
16 Their behaviour was at times appalling ; when little they would spend long stretches of each class on the floor behind the benches , playing with bits of mercury , pricking it with needles and pen nibs , watching it slip into the coarse splintery cracks of the dusty floorboards , and forcing it out again , marvelling at the way it shrugged the dirt off its rounded shoulders .
17 They marched past it , back and forth , marvelling at the way they were drawn towards it .
18 Whilst they fished I explored the shores , haunting the hides , marvelling at the variety of bird , plant and animal life .
19 John Coffin walked away , marvelling at the strangeness of life which made him now mourn a petty criminal whom he had not liked and whom no one had appeared to love , and who might , just possibly , have also poisoned three people .
20 She went closer to the walls , marvelling at the detail : the starfish flung up on the painted sand , the panting dog , the discarded bucket and spade , the bottle of sun oil .
21 ‘ I 'm sure it is n't as bad as that , ’ said Greg , who was n't who was , in fact , marvelling at the effect of three weeks of Viola , and wondering whether there could n't be more to it than just that .
22 Visitors marvelling at the perfection of work at the Woodworker Show .
23 He turned to look at her , marvelling at the perfection of her body and the animal passion he had found in her .
24 At 5.45 Lydia walked down the path to the car , marvelling at the power which people like Betty could wield merely by threatening to sulk .
25 JOHN Dunlop was left marvelling at the difference a day makes when Eurolink Thunder and Captain Horatius doubled up for him at Kempton yesterday .
26 Athelstan sat looking at her in wonderment , constantly marvelling at the difference in women , contrasting this hag to the beauty of Lady Isabella .
27 ‘ It 's amazing , ’ she said , as much to herself as anyone else , marvelling at the beauty surrounding her .
28 At the time of writing , it has been disclosed at the trial of the former military junta in Buenos Aires that on 5 January 1982 it ‘ set up a working group to analyse the possibility of taking the islands ’ .
29 Held , allowing the appeals , that the Secretary of State was required to afford to a prisoner serving a mandatory life sentence the opportunity to submit in writing representations as to the period that prisoner should serve for the purposes of retribution and deterrence before the Secretary of State in the exercise of his power under section 61 of the Act of 1967 set the date of the first review of the prisoner 's sentence ; that , before giving the prisoner the opportunity to make representations , the Secretary of State was required to inform him of the period recommended by the judiciary as the period he should serve for the purposes of retribution and deterrence and of any other opinion expressed by the judiciary which had not been disclosed at the trial and would be relevant to the Secretary of State 's decision as to the appropriate period to be served for those purposes ; but that the Secretary of State was not obliged to adopt that judicial view or , if he departed from it , to give reasons for doing so , and that he was entitled to delegate his powers for that purpose to a junior minister within the Home Department ; and that , accordingly , the decisions made by the Secretary of State as to the length of the period each of the applicants should serve before the date of the first review of their sentences should be quashed and that each applicant should be given the opportunity to make written representations after he had been informed of the judicial opinion regarding the period he should serve before review ( post , pp. 963B–C , 969A–C , 973F–H , 974A–B , 977B–D , 979C–F , 980E–G , 981F–G , 983C–D , 984C–E , 985B–C , 986H — 987A , F–G , 988C–E , G–H , 989B–C , D–E , 991B–C , 992F–H , 993B–E , F–G ) .
30 Despite the fact that the explanation or defence could , if true , have been disclosed at the outset and despite the advantage which the defendant has gained by these tactics , no comment may be made to the jury to that effect .
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