Example sentences of "[verb] that [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 The earlier of the two identifies the poet with his poetry , praying that after his death he should be forgotten : Sonnet 74 draws a different line , separating the Poet from his work : The point to be stressed at this juncture — forgive the interruption ! — is the turning of the other into the self and of the self into poetry , which is at the same time the turning of life into art and of transience into immortality : This marvellous poem can be linked , no doubt , to the series attacking time and proclaiming the certainty of the poet 's survival .
2 Even Mains ' warmest admirers suggest that in his early days as Otago coach Mains could be abrupt , and sometimes difficult of manner .
3 Shams al-Din al-Jazari , and an ambassador bearing a letter from the Mamluk sultan to Mehmed I. al-Makrizi adds that during his stay , Molla Fenari had given a number of lessons in and in the Basiti mosque .
4 He did not know that in his last months he had developed a fatal heart condition .
5 At the same time it needs to be stressed that despite his close relations with Wagner the man and his reverence for Wagner the artist , Nietzsche 's first-hand acquaintance with his idol 's artistic achievements was in one important respect limited : experience of Wagnerian music drama in its proper theatrical setting was largely denied him .
6 ‘ It is certainly true that in Western Ireland today you will hear those who say that in his teens William Joyce was a traitor who betrayed his own people to the Black and Tans . ’
7 They say that until his death he cared for their mother , who 's disabled with polio .
8 Wrangham writes that in his observations the mounter could be either older or younger than the partner and that approaches were made in situations commonly lacking in social tension .
9 He started asking questions — and found that at his own school — Ashchurch primary — the cuts could mean the loss of a teacher and an increase in the numbers of children per class .
10 Maslow in his experiments found that amongst his highest men and women ( those who had fulfilled themselves in life ) there were two distinct groups .
11 Bolivian President Jaime Paz Zamora reported that during his May meeting in Washington with US President George Bush the latter had shown a serious attitude to the drug problem ( the US government having agreed almost to double Bolivia 's anti-drug aid , to $33,000,000 ) .
12 One of his Residents reported that in his presence he felt himself become transparent , every aspect of his character laid bare to Lugard 's innocent penetration .
13 The point could be put differently by suggesting that in his notions of a " community of Christians " and " parochial units " he displayed little understanding of the nature of English life — his grasp of it was theoretical rather than actual ; just as he adopted almost too perfectly the dress and manners of an Englishman , so he offered an idealized and therefore unconvincing account of English society .
14 There are some who would question his recording of details on site suggesting that in his eagerness to move on to the next find he may neglect to tidy up the details left behind .
15 She realised that in his own way he was being considerate , for by refusing to talk she was laying herself open to torture .
16 He realised that in his discussions with Ranulf he had not mentioned old Martha 's death .
17 He started to see that in his opinion more could be done for humanity by Churches than by political parties , even the best of political parties such as he took the Liberal Party to be ; or at least that the Churches engaged at a more profound level with the predicament of humanity .
18 Mr Nutting added : ‘ Grenfell admitted that in his presence Vernage had often said ‘ All I want is to kill a copper ’ .
19 And although Mr Kohl promises that Germany will eventually amend its constitution and shoulder its proper military responsibilities in the world , he would prefer to sell that to his own people as a pro-European gesture than as a pro-American one .
20 Although I remained resolute that my partnership with Charlie would come to an end the moment I was offered a place at university , I still believed that with his energy and drive , combined with my level-headed approach in all matters financial , we would surely have impressed my father and perhaps even Granpa Charlie .
21 They believed that in his teaching and life , God had ‘ visited his people ’ and sent a prophet and more than a prophet , an example and teacher of the way of truth and righteousness surpassing John the Baptist ; the ‘ Messiah ’ or anointed leader of ancient expectation .
22 ( He added that in his hospital ‘ the people who are mad are the attendants . ’ )
23 John Lloyd , producer of Not The Nine O'Clock News , Spitting Image and Blackadder , says that for his generation of university students 20 years ago Python was the seminal programme .
24 Schoener 's globe of the world then known shows Japan a few hundred miles off Mexico ; the historian López de Gomara says that in his negotiations with the Emperor Magellan always insisted that the Moluccas were ‘ no great distance from Panama , and the Gulf of San Miguel which Vasco Núñez de Balboa discovered ’ .
25 Personal computer makers are likely to face continued pressure to keep prices low for the foreseeable future , former Compaq Computer Corp chief Rod Canion told Reuter in an interview : ‘ Anybody that wants to be successful in the computer business better be prepared to be very aggressive and have a lot of aggressive competition — in that environment , you can predict pricing pressure is not going to ease up ; ’ Canion , now chairman of the Houston-based consulting firm Insource Management Group , says that in his time at Compaq , customers were willing to pay a little more to ensure they got quality and performance but that as the market changed , they believed they could get quality , performance and low price , and now , ‘ that will never change . ’
26 I 've not had the experience perhaps of teaching so many dyslexic children to be able to comment on this , but certainly when I was making the videotape at Brickwall School and I asked the headmaster about that and he pointed to the fact that they certainly have a very wide intake , a complete social mix , and Professor Miles at Bangor University says that in his experience of dealing with dyslexic children they come from all walks of life , and it 's really quite inaccurate — I suppose there 's a sense in which , if we 've got to use these phrases , that middle class people have always been very concerned about the education of their children and so they may be the parents who will ask questions about their children 's lack of development , but I think it 's only , you know , more significant in middle class terms because of that .
27 Thomas had decided that in his piece of writing he would set out his speculations on the history of the piece of wood .
28 Branson had decided that after his experiences in America with the Pistols , Lydon needed a holiday ; a keen reggae fan , he could also help on auditions .
29 You have to remember that in his position it is very difficult to meet women . ’
30 Incidentally it has now been revealed that at his farewell party , Berkshire director Anne Parker described him as ‘ round and cuddly ’ .
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