Example sentences of "[verb] and [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The editor 's look suggests displeasure , but I am too elated to worry and with a skip I whirl into the revolving doors and out laughing into the night.But now , what a fiasco !
2 Finishing with a par 4 Stevie had won and on the morrow would be presented by the Princess with his Golden Putter .
3 I use the Park both for walking and as a motorist , but more frequently for cycling , and I write on behalf of ‘ Spokes ’ and Edinburgh cyclists in general .
4 As half-time approached and with the score at 0–0 , Reg and I shuffled nervously on the bench , but the duck was about to be broken .
5 Smith was writing as the era of good harvests and cheap food was ending and before the onset of demographic acceleration .
6 And , in a sense , we 've , just to complete what we 've been talking about so far , there 's always the question of press and magazines and house style , just to remind you that you really need to study formats if you 're going to try and as a freelance we talked about that yesterday .
7 They squirmed , shrivelled and after a brief struggle , gave up the ghost .
8 But Wilkins , at 36 playing better than ever , was instrumental in the club 's 2-0 win at Wimbledon and said : ’ We were committed and in the end we came through . ’
9 They ask for more stimulus than their children provide and for the opportunity to give expression to their other creative and intellectual drives .
10 Imagination and reality fused and for a second the sense of foreboding intensified .
11 Here they gave poetry readings in the 800-seat auditorium ; a measure of the man he was becoming and of the distinguished company he kept .
12 ‘ In the west it is the prices which are hard to accept and in the east people are unhappy about unemployment .
13 Money set aside by Borders Regional Council to keep the delicate equipment mothballed and in a state of good repair runs out next month .
14 For drama school it is the first taste of things to come and on the whole a good thing .
15 The power of traditional chiefs was curbed and for the first time women and young people were drawn into the political process .
16 She did not turn her head when Melissa entered and for a moment it seemed that she was unaware of her presence .
17 The overall expectation was that the Conservatives would win and in the event they did so with rather more comfort than the polls had tended to suggest .
18 One of Mr Paull 's interests is dowsing and after a visit to the famous crop circle , he returned home with samples of the cereal from inside and outside the circle .
19 I believe it can be made to work and with the background of the proposed Amendment and what b can be done by Parliament as a result of that , that can be a sensible way of proceeding .
20 No party would now dare go to the voters promising a prohibition on women 's right to work and to a wage .
21 It is a tale full of interest , and it reveals an attitude to work and to the Service that makes pleasant reading ( unhappily some authors give the impression they had a less than fulfilling time while in the RAF ) .
22 For consensus decision-making to work and for an atmosphere of trust to develop between managers and subordinates , there must be an erosion of status-consciousness .
23 Resource owners ' initial ignorance of the kinds of commodities consumers will buy and of the relative prices which can in principle be obtained for these commodities gradually diminishes .
24 I am now installed and with a maid-of-all-work with me named Maria .
25 At the request of local residents the Parish Council has also asked for street lighting to be installed and for a speed limit to be introduced along part of this road .
26 Less burning of the skin than in Belladonna and worse ( < ) bending head backwards , worse ( < ) cold applications , better ( > ) uncovering and in the open air , better ( > ) pressure .
27 In this last stage self evaluation is included and in a commentary on the White Paper on teaching quality ( DES 1983a ) , John Elliott 's characterization of three levels of professional development through self-evaluation was quoted as an argument against assuming that government policies of dealing out more doses of in-service education would improve teaching quality ( Slater 1985 ) .
28 THE Fighting Bradfords ( Echo February 19 ) will never be forgotten and in the week of the centenary of Roland 's birth we raised our glasses , all seven of us , in memory of this fine young officer .
29 Some of them are below the level you expect and below the standards we want to provide , ’ it says .
30 Charles rose and after a few mumbled words about thanks , and keeping in touch , and being cheerful , and seeing himself out , he left .
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