Example sentences of "[verb] a [noun] give " in BNC.

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1 It may be the loss of a partner or the onset of mental illness in a parent which first causes a nurse to give up a successful career in order to care full-time at home .
2 ‘ Carrie , I do n't need a baby to give me a reason for marrying you .
3 1967 No. 1462 ) , which governed the work of that body , imposed no obligation to give such reasons ; that in reaching their decision on whether to recommend release , the Parole Board and the local review committee were under a duty to act fairly ; but that the scope of that duty did not include a requirement to give reasons for their recommendation .
4 His duties with the Friends ' Ambulance Unit in the Western Desert reinforced a desire to give service .
5 Suppose that I expect a colleague to give me a lift home this evening , but that her car has a flat battery ; this wo n't stop us , however , because a friend 's car is parked conveniently near with some jump leads which we can use to get her car to start .
6 After all , if you 're a superstar , it 's no good admitting that you found a route given three grades easier than your latest creation anything but a path !
7 With the removal of all tariff barriers , there will be few other measures available to States to grant assistance and there is a danger that , in the absence of control , State aids could become a substitute for protectionism , enabling a State to give preference to its own industry .
8 Moreover , since , under section 6(4) all those who had applied for admission to the school had expressed a statutory preference for that school , the rejection of any one of those applicants involved a failure to give effect to the preference of one or more parents .
9 STEELWORKERS staging a sit-in gave their strike fund a boost yesterday by selling the bosses ' wine stock .
10 A South American cricket is not only patterned like a wasp but adds a mime to give the impression that it is equally powerfully armed .
11 so like they would for two days before Christmas you , you ball a horse give a ball , see ?
12 Let us face it , it helps to know a person to give an effective compliment , or constructive criticism .
13 Gdynia America Shipping Lines has a brochure giving details of all their ships which take passengers .
14 Just as the term ‘ the military-industrial complex ’ has a resonance given to it by a particular school of elite theorists , so the problem of the growth of government is associated with pluralist theories .
15 He has a tendency to give abstract theory in unnecessarily dense language without examples ; this is difficult to absorb , and consequently , when we reach the extended analyses in Chapter 5 , there is a temptation constantly to flick back to the earlier chapters to try to clarify the theory .
16 He is due here around 27th as he has a seminar to give in the psychology department of Edinburgh University on 28th .
17 Rarely has a film given me such a warm glow .
18 Ah yes , the partnership has a year to give it back .
19 ‘ But he is a very popular bishop and I think he has a lot to give the diocese . ’
20 He still has a lot to give … even if he does nt play every match .
21 This phenomenon can also be seen in trading stamp transactions so that s4(1) of the Trading Stamps Act 1964 ( substituted by s16(1) of SOGIT 1973 ) provides : In every redemption of trading stamps for goods , notwithstanding any term to the contrary on which the redemption is made , there is — ( a ) an implied warranty on the part of the promoter of the trading scheme that he has a right to give the goods in exchange ; ( b ) an implied warranty that the goods are free from any charge or encumbrance not disclosed or known to the person obtaining the goods before , or at the time of redemption and that that person will enjoy quiet possession of the goods except so far as it may be disturbed by the owner or other person entitled to the benefit of any charge or encumbrance so disclosed or known ; ( c ) an implied warranty that the goods are of merchantable quality , except that there is no such warranty ( i ) as regards defects specifically drawn to the attention of the person obtaining the goods before or at the time of redemption ; or ( ii ) if that person examines the goods before or at the time of redemption , as regards defects which that examination ought to reveal .
22 He has a blessing to give his eldest and favourite son , but it is a poor thing compared with Jacob 's , so poor it is hardly recognizable as a blessing and could be taken for a curse :
23 Although in terms of outgoings this type of mortgage is the most expensive , it arguably provides the best value since , having repaid the mortgage , the balance of the pension fund ( 75% ) is applied to purchasing an annuity giving a guaranteed income for life .
24 Despite her success , she insists on being down-to-earth and believes she has an obligation to give a little back to the sport which shot her to fame .
25 If partner " A " has an obligation to give partner " B " armshells ( mwali ) then partner " B " must give back necklaces ( soulaya , bagi ) and , vice versa , " A " can never give back necklaces to " B " , nor can " B " ever give armshells to " A " .
26 You do n't expect a doctor to give you drugs that are gon na drive you mad .
27 But the Government had already done a deal giving the Welsh nationalists , Plaid Cymru , a guaranteed place and were determined to keep two others reserved for the main parties , Labour and the Tories .
28 In May 1985 Mr Bewick had been duped into believing a kidney given by a living Indian donor was from a relative , Mr Sells said .
29 This lunchtime , the South African Embassy in London 's Trafalgar Square hosted a reception to give the Worcester party a suitable send off .
30 ever let a dentist give you a jab ?
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