Example sentences of "[noun] that [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 On the death of her father in 1866 she suffered physical and mental breakdown , confiding in a letter that it was her religion that held her up .
2 Rosen eked out a conversation with her and without Leon Kennedy , who was sewn into an isolation that made him more powerfully present .
3 I suppose it was the isolation that gave us such a feeling of camaraderie . "
4 In the process of sexual selection , certain males were said to develop characteristics that gave them the edge over other males in the competition for females .
5 It was a headline that did it , I think I put something like , ‘ Like Lambrettas To The Slaughter ’ …
6 Roman shot her a glance that told her nothing of what he was thinking .
7 She flashed me a glance that made it clear there was some backbone in there , it was just the training that made her act like a dipstick .
8 He joked with them like a cheerful , older brother and sang one or two shockingly rude Army songs that made them both giggle .
9 ‘ These are the songs I grew up listening to , ’ she says , ‘ they are the songs that made me want to be a singer . ’
10 It was an association that made him an appropriate keeper at Loseley of Montague 's imprisoned son-in-law Henry Wriothesley , second Earl of Southampton [ q.v. ] in 1570 .
11 It 's your thinking that got you into this place ! ’
12 I want to take you through the thinking that led me to that conclusion , and then to concentrate on one of the keys to securing that future — the whole question of advancing the cause of children 's books .
13 It was not Manvell 's displeasure that worried him , but Jane 's anger .
14 He felt subtly in touch with higher forces , as though he had become the Tarot card that represented him .
15 So we were better being turned down until we found a deal that suited us better . ’
16 To illustrate this , let us imagine Heinrich Hertz , in 1888 , performing the electrical experiment that enabled him to produce and detect radio waves for the first time .
17 Great houses did not of course cease to be built ; on the contrary , almost as many were erected in the nineteenth century as a whole as in the three centuries that preceded it put together .
18 All of the walking species had the widely-splayed legs that gave them a slow and lumbering gait , but , in the absence of more streamlined animals , they prospered .
19 She ran , fleeing the demons that pursued her , dragging in great gasps of cold air as if they were her last .
20 He concentrated on drawing cartoons and in 1932 had his first acceptance from Punch , the beginning of a partnership that established him as a major comic artist and one of the most original talents in the long history of the magazine .
21 The future was like the blackness that surrounded her , in which there were n't even shadows .
22 Then everything was movement , sensation , and she could no longer laugh or speak or do anything but be carried along by a force greater than anything she had ever known before , a force that took them to the heavens to touch the stars that had already decided their destiny .
23 His anger reached out with a deadly force that made her flinch back from him .
24 It was what was within the bird the force that gave it such power , such vitality . ’
25 Fran did n't want to look at him , did n't want to turn her head and see the anger in those dark eyes , but there was no escaping the powerful force that drew her .
26 I provided the calm , the cleanliness , the order and nourish-ment that made it possible for him to work .
27 She withdrew , and Claudia opened the door , steeling herself to greet Roman without a trace of the emotion that made her want to run out of the flat , away from the two people she loved most and who were causing her so much pain that she wanted to die .
28 Claudia wished she could stop shaking ; the touch of his hard body against hers had started up a whirlpool of emotion that left her wanting to run until she had put miles between them .
29 But it soon became apparent to the pioneering voluntary organizations that established them , such as the Richmond Fellowship , that patients who had been mentally unwell for years did not miraculously become capable of independent living in a short space of time ; they often needed permanent help and support and coped particularly poorly with changes in their environment and lifestyle .
30 But there was something about them , maybe their mohair suits , maybe the hard men they imported from Glasgow or maybe their bonding as brothers that made them seem glamorous .
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