Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the Diaspora , our Jewish people have been inclined to sit back and think that the battle has been won and that in a little while we Jews will have our National Home in our Promised Land .
2 Brynner 's life in America is better known : the movies , some outstanding , like The Magnificent Seven , many terrible ; the wives ; the lovers — Judy Garland , Marilyn Monroe , Marlene Dietrich , Joan Crawford ( a businesslike woman in love as in other affairs , making their encounter ‘ among the least erotic half hours ’ in Brynner 's life ) ; and above all the role that he created and that in the end devoured him , the King of Siam .
3 He pointed out that costs formerly allocated to the President no longer applied and that in future years the grant would require to be reduced .
4 Could it be , for example , that you fiancé himself is starting to take you somewhat for granted and that by comparison his brother 's attention comes as rather welcome ?
5 Part of the judgment is that the whole productive process is fractured and that in particular work now assumes an element of drudgery and toil , regardless of whether that work is manual , non-manual , skilled , unskilled , managerial or professional .
6 If full parity were ever granted , there is a fear that a deadlock could arise and that in addition certain directors might be forced to reveal business secrets to their constituents which could paralyse the operation .
7 The women 's organizations are now confident that a unified representative body will be formed and that as a consequence , both their work to incorporate more women into the movement for social justice and a popular democratic government and their work in favour of women 's rights will be greatly strengthened .
8 It seems that the centre flourished and that by the early 1980s it had over 300 pupils and 31 part-time teachers .
9 The Commissioners awarded a further penalty of £1,080 , finding that the taxpayer was prevaricating and that as a professional man he had failed to give proper priority to disclosing building society information in full and in good time .
10 The area of dispute , which promises to occupy all of a meeting of EC finance ministers in Luxembourg today , is over the Commission 's proposal that the current system of exporting goods free of VAT be abandoned and that after 1992 the tax should be levied in the country of origin before export .
11 We would suggest that in times of economic crisis and recession several of these conditions are indeed likely to predominate and that in fact they did during the 1980s in the UK .
12 It is also sometimes supposed that their existence shows that the strong fact/value distinction made by attitudinists and intuitionists is misconceived and that in our language , as it stands , factual premisses can logically imply evaluative conclusions .
13 There was a great fear of the fickleness of audiences , an anxiety that the craze would die and that in particular movies would lose their fascination for precisely those sections of society that had been going to them longest .
14 When he got out , he had the feeling he was n't wanted and that as an infant he was a problem to his family — a feeling which he expressed publicly long before he became aware that his sister was really his mother .
15 Pareto also argues that in practice the distinction between elite and non-elite is blurred and that within the elite a governing and a non-governing group can be discerned .
16 ‘ Suppose that there is an action between A and B in which B claims , but A disputes , that B is entitled to demolish A's house and that in that action the court grants A an interlocutory injunction restraining B from demolishing A's house pending the trial of the action .
17 The following November it was announced that because of the impending reduction in the Canberra force the role of Bassingbourn would reduce and that by mid 1969 the Station would close .
18 Studies of individual towns suggest that they were severely hit , that properties were deserted and that in some cases parishes had to be united , as the existing ones were too poor to maintain the services of the Church ( 77 , pp.286–8 ) .
19 All claimed that they had attacked La Tablada because they believed a military coup was under way and that they were trying to forestall it ; they also said that their attempts to surrender had been ignored and that at least four of their comrades had been tortured and killed .
20 Quite recently many corporations have discovered that they were considerably over-insured and that by re-structuring their insurance and taking over some of the risks their costs could be reduced .
21 Where inability to pay is based upon the failure to comply with a statutory demand , the date and manner of service of the demand must be stated and that to the best of the petitioner 's knowledge , the demand has neither been complied with nor set aside nor is any application to set aside outstanding ( r 6.8(2) ) .
22 All these prevalence rates were strikingly increased when compared to matched non-diabetic controls except that of hypercholesterolaemia in males .
23 She had placed Morndun the passing of a ghost into the unknown region — at the front , aware that she wished to travel and that in the realm she was the ghost , as was Wynne-Jones , and a part of Scathach .
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