Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He could n't have rushed passed me into the bedroom , seized the bottle as a convenient weapon — he could n't have known it was there , anyway — and then dashed back out to hit me before dragging me … do you see what I 'm saying ? ’
2 An injunction was granted against USI prohibiting them from publishing the phone numbers of British abortion clinics in student union handbooks .
3 But there was widespread despoliation of the woods by local landowners and by the charcoal-burners who produced the fuel necessary for the manufacture of iron — this despite Acts of 1559 and 1570 prohibiting them from using timber-trees needed to build ships .
4 The first , and most obvious , is the desire to prevent the unjust enrichment of criminals by prohibiting them from exploiting their crimes .
5 However , in December 1989 , the Irish Supreme Court , following an appeal from SPUC , granted an injunction against USI , prohibiting them from distributing information until the European Court makes its decision , which could take several years .
6 What irritates me about going shopping in any supermarket is having to bag my own goods up .
7 But they raised the question of authority only in the most ambiguous terms : ‘ we have yet made no mention of change in authority nor has it even entered our hearts , but seeing that France and the Queen Regent here , her priests , etc. , intend nothing but suppressing Christ 's evangel … we are fully purposed to seek the next remedy and withstand their tyranny ’ .
8 The bagman-fox , now on home ground , had delayed them by running up a long culvert .
9 Have you forgiven me for calling you ‘ carrots ’ ? ’
10 On the other hand , my journeys in Wiltshire had made me a familiar figure to the police , and I consulted them about evacuating from London a distinguished man , of whose name , I need hardly say , they had never heard .
11 During the Falklands War , Mrs Thatcher was punctilious about keeping full Cabinet informed about major developments , and consulted them before implementing the bigger decisions .
12 ‘ He was in a somewhat distressed state when he came to see me after taking Iris and her students to the Parc de Prafance . ’
13 The director of that theatre , Eric Langworth , came to see me in Talking Heads .
14 This can insulate them from considering it in more political terms .
15 You can congratulate them on getting into the problem so quickly , discuss the flaw , come to a mutual agreement about definitions or regulations , or dictate further instructions as needed .
16 Do you want me to done to you ?
17 The high prices of industrial consumer goods deterred the peasants from buying , and the low prices offered by the state for agricultural produce deterred them from selling or even sowing .
18 But this does not disqualify them from using the word , any more than the English who displaced the ancient Britons are disqualified from continuing to use the name ‘ Britain ’ ( no doubt to the irritation of their southern neighbours , the Bretons of Bretagne ) .
19 After pushing our boats over into the water , we then righted them by putting all our weight on the centreboards where they poked out of the bottom of the boat .
20 The people who suffer if they are broken are not the owners , the shareholders or the board of directors , but those who work in the industry — people who have given their lives to that industry , built up the companies ' assets and made them into going concerns attractive for privatisation .
21 He made them by scattering his droppings over the sky and this is why the grass and the trees grow so thick on the world .
22 Many are unfamiliar with , and suspicious of , statutory bodies , and limited command of English discourages them from using social service .
23 They should help small farmers , but not in a way that discourages them from getting larger or farming better : there must be no farming poverty trap .
24 Er Our local reporter Caroline er will be contacting me with regard to any suggestions I may have on the editorial side .
25 Cicely apologised for not being at Q.T. Day to thank everyone for supporting this Gala event .
26 WE had a lovely time in Lourdes , I want to thank everyone for looking after us both .
27 The Payment of Wages Act allows employers to make it a condition of employment that new employees should be paid through a bank , but prohibits them from doing this with existing employees ( though of course individual existing employees can agree voluntarily to accept bank-account payment ) .
28 Roger L'Estrange produced a pamphlet condemning the Whigs and Nonconformists as republicans , accusing them of wanting to " pursue their Revenge on us [ the Church of England ] " , and he asked " Whether the Clergy of the C. of E. are not concern 'd to be as diligent against Phanaticism now , as of late against Popery " .
29 When Israel proclaimed the committees illegal , accusing them of receiving ‘ PLO money ’ , UNLU answered :
30 He followed up his earlier limited charge of praemunire against selected churchmen with a similar charge against the whole of the English clergy , accusing them of exercising a spiritual jurisdiction that conflicted with their duty as his subjects .
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