Example sentences of "[noun] mean that you " in BNC.

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1 These features make index cards easy to organise , and well-organised notes mean that you can find information more easily .
2 She had forgotten that her papa was supposed to be dead , and had spoken of him in the present tense , a fact not wasted on Dr Neil , who made no comment , but asked politely , ‘ And does all this stockmarket bargaining mean that you are going to make me a cup of tea , or not ?
3 There is an incredible amount of power here and the switching/coil-tap options combined with the mid-range boost mean that you can happily sit for hours and still find new sounds .
4 You can be more confident that a negative test result means that you are not infected if you do n't put yourself at risk of infection through unsafe sex or by sharing injecting equipment in the three months before taking the test .
5 The height of style The unique design of this foldable resin highchair means that you can set it a seven different height positions and it also doubles up as a low chair with removable tray .
6 Its formidable bulk means that you are unlikely to want to carry it about with you if you can avoid it , but that has probably been true of most audit manuals for some time now .
7 So picking the bones out of that , it 's size , composition , economic significance and locational requirement means that you ca n't bed it down in your ordinary I five allocation .
8 The sad decision to close down the creamery in Hawes means that you will not be made in the dale from now on .
9 It is now easy to see that any QDM received which is a smaller figure than the desired track QDM means that you are to the left of your track .
10 Any QDM received which is a larger figure than the desired track QDM means that you are to the right of your track .
11 And private management means that you would go to a bank or stockbroker , and then you would pay them an annual fee , and there would be other charges , you know for selling er and buying of shares ,
12 There may be occasions when the time involved in the journey home means that you would arrive with a pile of wilted , or even dead , flowers , in which case there must be some forward planning .
13 The slowness of the process means that you can fill it up with all the necessary ingredients for your soup , stew , casserole , risotto , or pudding , before you go out in the morning and you will arrive home to a wonderful smell and a meal that is instantly ready .
14 Being in a team means that you need :
15 The very fact that you have reached this point means that you have crossed that most difficult threshold .
16 Membership means that you can call on the AA 's swift and efficient service 24 hours a day , 365 days a year .
17 This is the kind of thing that we really ought to be addressing because this actually addresses the safety of people in this county , not only the safety of people , this addresses the safety of property as well and there 's no disagreement about the fact that this enormous development that 's happened over the last few years in an area where you 've got a regular traffic snarl-ups mean that you have got a potential disaster there on your hands and we 're jolly lucky we have n't any more serious incidents than we 've had already and so I can see no reason why these two mo these two amendments should n't both happily be accepted though I 'm very cynical about the number of times we 've spent the airport money already and sooner or later we 've obviously got to actually seriously address that but the important thing is that we do all take it seriously and it seems that we all do now take it seriously .
18 In contrast , the D-32 's tighter , more introverted qualities mean that you can thrash away at it with complete abandon and still get a smooth , rich , controlled and , it has to be said , very Martin-esque result .
19 It seems they had two er registers really , one register meant that you were a part of the movement , the other register I imagine meaning you were actually an enemy of this movement so if you got on that register you , you were in , that that would er spell very bad news , so consequently you were trying to join the , the , the first association .
20 This over-vigilance or sensitization meant that you were noticing all sorts of minor physical symptoms you would have normally ignored … .
21 It is generally worth having as much as 150mm of insulation in most homes , although the comparatively shallow depth of most ceiling joists means that you may have to lay the insulation across the tops of the joists to achieve the required thickness .
22 Having a slot meter means that you pay for your fuel as you use it and do not have to worry about large quarterly bills .
23 This straightforward facility means that you can revise , or indeed build , your presentation at the last minute — particularly if you opt for on-screen presentations , rather than foils produced by colour plotters — yet still get professional results .
24 Saving Air Miles means that you get even better value from your HCI Holiday .
25 Accepting that you will need to provide either training or re-training for your existing staff means that you will remember to budget for it in the overall cost of the system .
26 Caring for people means that you get attached to them , you get irritated by them , angry , bored , sad .
27 But the fact that you 've had a go at the questionnaire means that you are at least beginning to think a little positively .
28 Working at The Women Artists Slide Library means that you are constantly bombarded with information and images produced by women artists today .
29 The bundling means that you will be able to play a MIDI sound-track as your presentation unfolds , and to this end , Presentations ships with over 100 industry standard .
30 More generally , the fact that literary studies is sometimes thought of as a general training in thinking and writing means that you are expected to be able to control how you write — in particular , that you are able consistently to use a particular appropriate register .
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