Example sentences of "[noun] that [pron] want " in BNC.

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1 Erm , it is perhaps only in the last er , six months or so that the erm , turnaround in the fortunes of erm , er , B Sky B have been acknowledged and er , I think there has been an element in our thinking that we wanted to keep our dry er , until such time as er , B Sky B which we have great belief and faith in and our , as you know we increased our investment during the year erm , sees its way through to profitability and I 'm happy to say that that 's happening now at a reab reasonable rate and that that means that it is highly unlikely that the hundred and thirty million of guarantees that we still have outstanding to B Sky B are likely to be called .
2 So I make no apologies for beginning this book in the way that a conjurer might , by giving you an apparently free choice from the pack while in fact forcing on you the particular card that I want you to take .
3 A couple of funny looks later and I realised I also had to head off the perception that I wanted to hire a sex cave for outré rumpy pumpy with a slew of bimbo victims .
4 The last component of the rainbow coalition that I want to refer to is feminism .
5 Our signals that we want to speak , or that we have n't yet finished speaking , are often sent visually and the signals are not the same in all cultures .
6 And if you put pressure on government , you may in fact achieve the result that you want .
7 This requires answering a basic check question : What is the single most important result that I want from this presentation ?
8 If we have a Labour Government after the next general election — obviously that is the result that I want — they will need the tools to do the job .
9 The instructions which come with a video recorder tend to be expressed in an amiable pidgin Japanese , but the citizen who misunderstands them suffers no worse fate than that of failing to record the programme that he wants , unless and until his ten-year-old grandson can be prevailed upon to work the thing for him .
10 Knott had made it clear , it would seem , to the le Fleming estate agent that he wanted rights to all of the copper on the Coniston Manor , though without any success .
11 I would like your advice as to the method and position of fitting the temperature sensor unit , bearing in mind that I want to retain originality .
12 I 've already made up my mind that I want to sign for the Blues .
13 Well , I 'd just been paid , so there was no problems about me having money to score , so I think I 'd just set me mind that I wanted to sort meself out once and for good .
14 This is a very useful facility because many of the so called different styles that we want to knit are often based on one of the classic shapes .
15 It 's , it 's erm I think it 's quite interesting cos it 's a different style , in a sense it 's just setting out some goals that they want to achieve but not really giving any clear instruction of how you can achieve those goals .
16 That fact that in , a two years time I can go on to do the subjects that I want to do at the University in Scotland of my choice .
17 The o , the only thing I 'm doing now is the subjects that I want to do
18 Pip first uses it when he confesses to Biddy that he wants to be a gentleman for Estella 's sake .
19 ‘ Karl has given me no indication that he wants to leave and Paul Dixon is the only player they have got who is good enough to get in my side .
20 ‘ I do n't recall giving any indication that I wanted to . ’
21 It 's no good just saying you can report fraud er to er t t to the regulator , they should also be responsible to the shareholders , the stake holders , everybody involved er in er er er a company er and in fact er they are n't they have really responsibility to no one except the directors er who appoint them , the company share holders are given very little information , the choice of auditors er is firmly in the director 's director 's hands , the depositors , the consumers , the employees er have no say er in the appointment of er auditors and more important the recent legal cases for instance and the Al Saudi Bank er er and Berg er sons er and company also decided that er auditors do n't owe a duty of care er to individual shareholders , potential investors , the current or potential creditors er even though that information is supposed to be there to help markets understand what is happening to that committee and the government showed no indication that it wants to reverse these judgements , it should reverse them , there should be specific responsibilities attached to er auditors to give them a duty of care er so that we get the information er and er spend more widely and the share holders and the stake holders know what 's going on er er er as well as er the bank or the financial er institution er itself .
22 Everybody has some books that they want to hang on to that .
23 Among our samples , for instance , 79 per cent of the spouses said at first interview that they wanted the dementia sufferer to remain at home , compared with 36 per cent of the non-spouses .
24 Turning now to those carers who said in their first interview that they wanted their relative to remain at home , one would expect that those in the action sample would be more likely to have retained that preference than those in the control sample ( assuming that the project has provided extra home care when needed and therefore indirectly or directly assisted or relieved the principal carers ) .
25 A car that nobody wanted to buy , built on a site chosen for political not commercial reasons , hundreds of miles from its component suppliers .
26 now wait a minute , wait a minute , let Jordan have some toys , he 's only a baby , hello darling , hello no , do n't leave that there Jordan 's playing with that darling , look show me this car you want , show me this car that you want
27 Another witness has claimed that Macari once told him he could break any rule that he wanted .
28 It could be extended to look even longer , and presented with the words that we wanted to give you ‘ a small gift ’ or a gift ‘ big enough for two ’ .
29 but I mean it depends also I suppose erm , when your aiming for is the market , and I , I , I would like to have my work published but I also like to perform it and its got to be attractive to be looked at , in the first instance in , on a page its not known , er , there is , there is a lot of debate at the moment about using erm pages for poetry and some poets have actually starting using , writing from the wrong side and , and , and , and writing in the shape of a poem , for instance , if , what poem I was thinking off was a , was a waterfall so it was cascading the words cascading , you almost have to pick , ha , ha , have a choice of , of words that you want to fit into a particular thing , erm I think that 's had its place , but I think it can be a bit off putting as well , yeah , but it exciting , yeah definitely .
30 A lot of time might be spent fruitlessly before the entry that one wants is found .
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