Example sentences of "[noun] that [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 Wild exultation at having him so close made sure her momentary pain was no more than that , as he slipped easily into the rhythm that had her half sobbing with delight until his voice joined her own .
2 Behind Thorfinn , the door slammed shut with a force that made her bed jerk .
3 Excitement spread tentacles that fastened round her heart , squeezing it mercilessly so that it was unable to beat , tentacles that compressed her lungs so they were unable to breathe .
4 Blue eyes that made her heart give an alarming little lurch .
5 Naylor Massingham enquired , but while his handsomely defined mouth moved in a pleasant upward curve , the hard-as-flint eyes that pierced her large green-eyed look told a very different story .
6 The dark grey eyes that glanced her way just before they moved across the chaotic intersection seemed to mirror that hatred , and she recoiled slightly .
7 Lisa blinked up at him , for a moment wondering if he was joking , but there was not a shadow of humour in the dark eyes that met her own .
8 It was fitzAlan , looking down at her with eyes that ripped her heart into pieces , speaking to her in a voice so hard that the words were like blows .
9 But it was the eyes that drew her attention , dark and smouldering with lovely long lashes .
10 Quickly she looked away , fiddling with papers on her desk , not sure she could cope with the anguish in his eyes that mirrored her own , but David lingered .
11 Amusement veiled the sharpness of the ice-blue eyes that held her own astonished grey gaze .
12 Eyes that turned her insides to jelly , scrambled her mind , made her feel dumb and stupid and childish .
13 But it was his eyes that compelled her gaze ; between generous lashes they glowed with an amber back-light .
14 And they had eyes , bright and pricking eyes that shredded her clothes and burrowed to the soft underwear she had purchased in the Centrum store on Magdeburg 's Karl-Marx-Strasse .
15 At that moment Ruby gave a growl that set her loose flesh trembling .
16 He swung away from her , walking over to the edge of the small pond , his body rigid with a tension that made her afraid to do or say anything that might unleash that anger once again .
17 That was when Luke chose to end it , raising his head and examining the agonised tension that held her face and the taut , smooth line of her exposed throat with dark , glittering eyes .
18 His bulk created an intimacy in the small workroom that made her wary , and the atmosphere , just for a moment , became charged , until he gave a little grimace which dispelled it .
19 She often brought in mussels , gritty with tiny pearls , for the evening meal , or sometimes nesting birds , or a hare that ignored her approach to its form till she had her hand on it .
20 Ariel was n't thinking clearly , her brain was fogged by the din around her and the rage of Sycorax , but the message in the stones summoned her to some action , something to break the silence and the stasis that held her prisoner .
21 Frederica slept in a windowless loft that held her suitcase , a camp bed , and no more .
22 Three easy words that expressed her physical joy .
23 Neither was she aware of the mumbled words that passed her lips as the hours went by , nor of the method he used to warm her when she started to shiver again .
24 There was a grim edge to his mocking that drew her attention , and Folly wished that she could see his face more clearly .
25 The electroshock therapy that followed her hospitalization of one unfortunate schoolboy left Marjorie a dull husk of her former self .
26 It was his unexpected kindness that caused her jaw to clench suddenly in an attempt to stave off the hot tears scalding her eyes .
27 Billing herself as the spirit of Patsy Cline , she ( and her band the Reclines ) cut the album that established her country claim .
28 Martha stood patiently for a long time while her mother tried one dress after another on her , hoping to find a colour that made her skin seem paler and a cut that disguised her skeletal proportions .
29 Putting a companionable arm round her shoulders that made her shiver with awareness , he urged her in the direction of the village .
30 Then suddenly there was cool air on her face and light that hurt her eyes .
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