Example sentences of "[noun] it [adv] had " in BNC.

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1 While it was doubtless a noble religion it still had a greater contribution to make to humanity .
2 It is notable , however , that although titled nobles were very prominent in the highest ranks in the college it still had to make extensive use of commoners , since even in the 1750s it was impossible to find enough dvoryane ( members of the privileged landowning class ) with an adequate knowledge of foreign languages .
3 The industry is comparing the biggest boom it ever had — the peak in 1989-90 — with today 's admittedly lower level of activity .
4 In Arthur Christiansen it too had an inspirational editor and expert newspaper technician .
5 But talk about a hassle they wanted , they , well they picked the be the pr you know the present that you c you claim erm , a deep fryer and I think it was in March time and by July it still had n't come in spite of ringing and writing and everything else
6 The succulent liberties it never had
7 The slight tilt it always had now become a great lunge to one side , and as the mist moved against it the bin appeared to be moving the other way .
8 When Windows was in the same place it only had 25,000 kits out .
9 At a conference organized in June 1950 by the Liturgical Institute of Trier , a lecture by Romano Guardini led to a resolution calling upon the German bishops to request Rome to move the long Holy Saturday service from the early morning to the late evening , thus again making it the vigil service it once had been .
10 The marbles are still rich and some of the mosaics are visible , but in general the colour is disappointingly dark and dull , showing little of the brilliance it once had .
11 It is not simply that the former communist societies in Eastern Europe were characterized , to a greater or lesser extent , by relative economic backwardness and political authoritarianism , and consequently had little appeal as models for the future development of any advanced industrial society , but that the democratic socialism of social democratic and labour parties in the capitalist world , despite its real achievements in improving the conditions of life of the working class , has come to be more critically judged as tending to promote an excessive centralization of decision making , growth of bureaucracy and regulation of the lives of individuals , and has lost something of the persuasive character it once had as a movement aiming to create a new civilization .
12 Neuron Data 's UK operation replaces the distributorship arrangement it previously had with Data Sciences Ltd .
13 Very few people , especially Conservative Members , would dispute the fact that until the change in party control in Brent it probably had the accolade for one of the looniest of loony councils .
14 Chances are if you bought your racket in Britain it already had strings in it — unlike in the USA where the retailer will ask you a lot of questions about how you play and then string your new frame for you .
15 When the new Republic formally came into being in September it indeed had many difficulties to overcome .
16 Nevertheless , somehow Rogers and Thomas got the message across that TB was hardly the scourge it once had been and there was really no reason not to laugh at those who were generally prepared to laugh at themselves , although there were serious moments too .
17 In all probability it really had been nothing more than a prank .
18 The present disc was made with help from the Delius Trust and certainly justifies the faith it always had in Norman Del Mar .
19 It was time to sign off before familiarity bred contempt , and just in case it already had I decided to hurt her .
20 … As appears from the decision below , the plaintiff could have had no certainty of ultimate success , and we are of opinion that it was not called upon to take the risk of having its contracts disputed and its business injured and of finding the tax more or less nearly doubled in case it finally had to pay .
21 But now Len says that instead of the hospital putting the eleven thousand pounds raised towards a NEW laser , it spent the money updating an existing model it already had .
22 It lacks the vision , the panache , the self-confidence it once had under Mrs Thatcher , before she went sour .
23 They had such a tiny life cycle it still had trainer wheels on it .
24 The model had been increasingly internationalized as the churches of Latin America , Asia and Africa were given a more active role within it — but then in principle it always had been internationalist , and even in class terms egalitarian , the greatest of all ultramontanes being the socially radical English Cardinal Manning .
25 I have no sympathy for Labour — as ever , it will sell its grandmother and any principle it ever had to get a foot into Number Ten — but it is hard to disagree with the view that they were hard done by .
26 ‘ Thanks , ’ he said dryly , his face taking on the blank expression it usually had when he was annoyed .
27 Up until this year it clearly had n't been fully put to the test although you are all aware of its success over recent years .
28 The applicant in the Fleet Street Casuals case was itself a representative of the interests of its members : as a company it really had no interest independent of that of its members ; but the issue of representative standing was not considered in that case .
29 However , as a milking animal it always had a problem which is still apparent today in some animals : the udders were frequently so pendulous that they were prone to injury and made suckling awkward ( baby beef calves were bucket-reared ) , and later were a problem for machine milking .
30 As its name implies , the Via Militaris was a major line of communication for the Roman armies defending the eastern frontier , and as a stage in one of the links between Italy and Byzantium it already had an important role to play in the vital intercourse between the eastern and western halves of the empire .
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