Example sentences of "[noun] i can get " in BNC.

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1 Also as much info I can get as to what parts of the ground non-members etc. can buy tickets for and the prices would be helpful .
2 Whereas if it 's at high level I can get me legs out .
3 There 's a hole under the stairs in the Barracks I can get out of and I can open the door from the outside if Sam 's too big to squeeze through .
4 Please pray for me as I 'll need all the support I can get .
5 I really need all the money I can get .
6 No I might just go an see what sort of deal I can get .
7 Well if there are any trips I can get them cheaper ca n't I ?
8 I said if you said to me , Geoff , I want all the overtime I can get I can get the overtime I 'll go round and I 'll try and or if you say to me well I do n't want the overtime , I 'm quite happy with a flat week then I 'll know what I am but I said you change from day to day , one day you wann it , another day you do n't !
9 so three amp , amplifier I can get for about
10 On the album , because of the studio , I had to pull it back a bit , but on the road in Europe and the States I can get up to these big , massive sounds . ’
11 I just want to go with the least amount of gear I can get away with , be able to troubleshoot it myself and keep it simple .
12 need all the help I can get .
13 There was a problem with gilt funds about three years ago , and T S B ran up against the problem of falling gilt yields and trying to maintain the , the flow to the investor , which they did , but th they failed to tell the investor that they were having to erm sell gilts and er trade under market value , so in fact you reduce the fund , but there are halfway stages , and I mean at the moment I can get round about eight percent , plus on , on erm er offshore funds .
14 We sell working clothes , there were about two shirts and a towel and a pot towel I can get for about fifty P down there
15 I can walk out or , and get erm , you know tonnes of any any shop I can get pornography that tells me that , or tell any man who chooses to buy that magazine that 's it okay to take a women even if she says no .
16 ‘ I 'm playing for the fun I can get out of it for myself , and not for them , ’ said the five-times Wimbledon champion after a 7–5 , 6–2 defeat by Frenchman Olivier Delaitre in the Nice Open yesterday in his first relevant match of this year 's comeback .
17 swap places with this gentleman I can get him loaded up .
18 Erm but erm there 's lots of stuff I can get rid off .
19 Also it 's close to where I work so if there are any problems I can get here quickly to sort them out .
20 In the short term I think that 's an area I can get over that until I get a car which
21 I need every penny I can get .
22 But if I 'm going to work for these people — and what choice do I have ? — I need all the forewarning I can get .
23 ‘ If you just clear your little bits and pieces off the floor I can get round with the vacuum . ’
24 I 'm a working mother and need all the sleep I can get .
25 but I can get in to Fram and if I need to go to the doctors I can get to the doctors which unfortunately is , is necessary our children .
26 I was wondering where the hell I can get my hair done first thing tomorrow morning . ’
27 If you give me a list I can get whatever you need and bring it back with me . ’
28 ‘ What this interview is really all about is how many drinks I can get out of you , ’ he informs me , after I 've paid for yet another round .
29 You 've got to erm , I 've got to get well Dad 's got the form I can get another one he can , erm the forms have got to be in soon so she knows how many are going to be sort of on the walls you know .
30 Is there any way I can get my record wiped clean ?
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