Example sentences of "[noun] be for many " in BNC.

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1 However , that imposition simultaneously reveals how , without linguistic knowledge to explain the distinction , the enforced recognition is for many teachers a traumatic experience .
2 Llanthony Warehouse was for many years a showroom and store for Western Trading Co .
3 Again , anyone like Daphne Sheldrick , who wrote The Orphans of Tsavo about the wild animals she reared in Tsavo National Park , Kenya , where her husband David was for many years the highly successful warden , knows that African elephant calves are easily tamed .
4 A new motor car was for many a luxury that would have to wait for another day .
5 But difficult as the schism was for many workers and indeed activists to understand or justify , its far-reaching ramifications had already begun to emerge .
6 The first is that the book is written for engineers ; project management is for many the first form of management they encounter and the first form to which they are appointed .
7 If that sounds nauseatingly juvenile , it had a certain aptness in the Fifties when marriage was for many an institution for recreating one 's childhood and centering life once more on the nursery .
8 It should be apparent therefore that public transport is for many people on Skerne Park a lifeline link to town centre and vital facilities such as supermarkets and doctors .
9 Madeira wine was for many years the favourite wine of the Russian Court , and one of the Krohn family had been food-taster to the Tsar .
10 The club was a meeting place for musicians of his era , and Archer Street was for many years the centre of the British dance music business .
11 Henceforth socialist organisation in the universities was for many years weakened by division between ‘ socialist ’ — i.e. Communist-controlled or influenced-societies and Labour Clubs supporting the Labour Party .
12 The ‘ normal minimum admission standards ’ listed in these tables are for many areas of study a realistic indication of the grades likely to be required and applicants who hold these grades stand an excellent chance of being made an offer , eg for most degrees in the Faculty of Arts , the Faculty of Science and Engineering , and the less pressured areas in the Social Sciences such as Nursing Studies or Social Policy .
13 However , although it was considered a duty to encourage providence , saving was for many a stark impossibility .
14 Mr Major told the Commons yesterday the EC economies ‘ are not remotely ready for one currency and I believe they will not be ready if they every will be for many years . ’
15 The JS clerks of works were for many years mainly responsible for quality control of building and engineering , which is a role normally undertaken by the architect on construction projects .
16 Gow was for many years a close associate of Margaret Thatcher , the Prime Minister , having been her parliamentary private secretary during the first four years of her premiership in 1979-83 , and a member of her government as Minister of Housing in 1983-85 and a Minister of State at the Treasury from September to November 1985 .
17 Living on income support is for many a very negative experience — the intrusive questioning about income and about personal relationships ; the difficulties of queuing with young children ; the problems when benefits are delayed or lost ; the lack of control over income as more and more direct deductions are made — all these and more contribute to the difficulties of bringing up children alone on a low income .
18 Noise is a potent trigger and its constant presence is for many teachers very wearing .
19 Family Allowance as it stands at present is for many women the only money we have which belongs to us by right .
20 It also coincided with the rise and consolidation of the labour movement in Britain ; and that is a story from which women were for many years absent or in which they featured very much as a minority .
21 But this monitoring was for many students inconsistent with their future leading roles in Chinese industry , commerce and society in general .
22 Work in this field was for many years hampered by a lack of techniques sufficiently sensitive to detect changes in the solutions under study and by a rigid and over-simplified view of the nature of solutions .
23 In the courtyard , a 14th-century half-timbered and thatched roof building was for many centuries the local courthouse where justice was meted out .
24 The abolition of the tied cottage was for many years the notorious ‘ hardy annual ’ of TUC and Labour Party conferences but reform of the system was pushed persistently aside .
25 Zanzibar was for many years an Omani-owned territory .
26 Although the human operator is for many purposes within ergonomics appropriately considered as a mere information processing device , any design issue must be considered in the context that these human operators are individuals and citizens within communities .
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