Example sentences of "[noun] be [adv] or " in BNC.

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1 The concept of ‘ satisfaction with housework ’ follows the concept of ‘ work ’ or ‘ job ’ satisfaction as used in the sociology of industry and paid work ; it represents an overall assessment of the degree to which housewives are positively or negatively oriented to their work .
2 This rule may help to keep clear the distinction between those interventions which seek to challenge the structural conditions under which racist discourses are directly or indirectly reproduced , and those strategies which aim to interrupt their circulation in specific micro-contexts , and/or introduce alternative story lines .
3 The shareholders in non-profit institutions and publicly owned companies in both cases are more or less synonymous with the customers of the firm ; they provide no additional constraint apart from this , though in publicly owned companies the relevant government department will impose its own constraints ( see chapter 4 ) .
4 If the emphasis is on people whose holiday activities are more or less self-explanatory , a main title ( which can be pre-recorded onto the beginning of the tape or superimposed live over the opening shot by your camcorder 's titling facility ) may be all that is required to set the scene .
5 These are obvious cases because the forms are linguistically or stylistically related , and in one of them it will be shown later that the name became hereditary — as Forsey — down to the twentieth century .
6 Having said that , it is beginning to gel as a discipline ; Mr D said that staff rarely discussed the aims of the course now , there being a ‘ general assumption that the ground rules are more or less the same [ as when we started ] ’ .
7 However , this is not always easy to do because , as I have already said , most disputes are more or less polycentric .
8 So all our lads are more or less , that was lightning strikes and finish off .
9 It is of great significance that most of the NICs are presently or have been in recent times one-party states , not necessarily totalitarian in the classic sense , but certainly lacking in most of the genuinely pluralistic institutions that characterize advanced industrial societies .
10 But the question of what pictures are entirely or for practical purposes Bellini 's own is answered largely by personal taste ; there is therefore a considerable divergence of view .
11 Stork was not entirely sure how the headhunting process worked ; indeed , there were no guides to the subject and all the existing purveyors of search are more or less self-taught .
12 All data sets obtained were initially analysed to determine whether data were normally or abnormally distributed .
13 A horse 's more or less inherited position in the herd can be altered by unusual conditions .
14 Yet the London we inherited from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries is more or less a success .
15 It might be suggested that the victim ‘ asked for it ’ by accepting a lift or an invitation to the defendant 's home or that he ‘ led him on ’ or consented and afterwards regretted it .
16 When the weather has entered a relatively rain free period , but when cloud cover is moderately dense and uniform , but not too low — when the prevailing light is evenly spread over the landscape , with no parts over bright or too deep in shadow — when the wind is still or gently fitful , a magic prevails everywhere upon the Wolds , and it comes from within the chalk .
17 The inexorable logic does not , however , establish that the result is morally or socially desirable .
18 ‘ If you 've changed so much , then you should n't care in the least whether Eleanor 's here or not .
19 C. A. Moser in Survey Methods in Social Investigation identifies three sources of bias in sample selection : ( 1 ) the use of a sampling frame which does not cover the population adequately , completely or accurately ; ( 2 ) the use of a ‘ non-random ’ method of sampling , so that the selection of subjects is consciously or unconsciously affected by human judgement ; and ( 3 ) the refusal to co-operate among some segments of the chosen population .
20 For example , in the first column , Greater York figure is more or less doubled .
21 Foreign investment was more or less prohibited ( it had to contribute to the development of the domestic industry ) .
22 er when Pearl , my other daughter came over Christmas , course Andrea was more or less still going through a bit of a rough period with between her grandfather and her , you know ?
23 And Lucy was blithely or otherwise ignoring that fact .
24 A pattern emerged whereby shipping belonging to or destined for Kuwait was more or less assured of Iranian attention .
25 Nor is it known how such circumstances arose or whether the balances are individually or cumulatively material in relation to the company 's accounts .
26 This is not to say that all theories of legitimacy are only or merely ‘ rationalizations ’ ; rather , it is to say that they have an element of rationalization in them .
27 Relations with so-called third countries are more or less formalised .
28 So long as these descriptions are more or less correct they should be praised , and everyone 's attention drawn to the most unusual ones .
29 The movements are more or less directed sideways , i.e. écarté or effacé , as in the dances fur Romeo , Mercutio and Benvolio in Romeo and Juliet and fur the Tutor in A Month in the Country .
30 Selvedges are more or less the same on all items , but the fringes are secured in a number of distinctive ways .
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