Example sentences of "[noun] [is] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We had climbed together a couple of weeks before at Goat Crag , where I was once again reminded how suited Fanshawe is to upward progress ; a powerful frame and seemingly hydraulic legs brought him to the crag aeons before I arrived .
2 In such circumstances , the recommended course of action is to mass-produce module headers that contain only the minimum information required .
3 More work is to said to be needed to find out exactly how smoking damages the lens of the eye .
4 So the drinkwise toast is to good health !
5 The toast is to Rotary the world over .
6 Possibly the reference is to German flutes , those of the now universal variety blown through a hole at the side instead of through the upper end .
7 Basically it consists in a failure in the ego by means of which inner , subjective sensations become confused with those originating in the outside world — an observation which reveals how close projection is to thoroughgoing hallucination ( with which it is , of course , frequently allied in paranoia ) .
8 The more distant in time an issue is to current industry concerns , the more difficult it is for managers to establish that it applies to their business in some significant way ( relevancy ) and that it should be addressed now ( urgency ) .
9 While most objections are to serious thinking what veneer is to seasoned wood , some — I have in mind objections that some feminists bring against the idea of animal rights in particular and the notion of rights in general — deserve a serious hearing and patient exploration .
10 And he also insisted that the crisis is to deep that there have to be important changes at the top within the union : ‘ There must be less politics , more work …
11 For motorists who intend to travel west by road on N3 to Zurich or beyond , a short side-trip is to -be recommended .
12 This new corporate shift is to female values but it involves men — but men thinking in a new , more conscious way . ’
13 Relating support proportionately to the severity of handicap , it may be suggested , is a nonsense in agricultural terms but the object of the LFA Directive is to stern rural depopulation and conserve the countryside by supporting farming .
14 My alternative account , a minimal one , seeks among other things to give fewer hostages than Brentano 's to philosophical fortune , or anyway to philosophical doubt .
15 The pressure must be adequate , however if good contact is to achieved .
16 I AM a fan and an observer of dogs and before the avalanche descends on me I must shout that , like Chris Joyce , our US Editor , I am well aware of the case against dogs but also know that the relationship is to human advantage rather than the other way round .
17 It has meant an ascetic existence for Wilson , who is to protest politics what the Hackney cab is to public transport .
18 Your comparison is to Latin America , when the most direct precedent is for the debtors of sub-Saharan Africa .
19 Real Evil is to Bad just as Saintliness and Heroism to Decent Behaviour .
20 WHAT J.D. Salinger is to literature and Bobby Fischer was to chess , Van Cliburn is to classical music — the great success who gives it all up , without anyone understanding exactly why .
21 The body 's natural reaction to reduced blood volume is to con-strict peripheral blood vessels which leads to pale , cold and often clammy skin .
22 ‘ I know how much we have already put in up to the end of 1992 and I know what we could be asked for for 1993 , ’ Longuet said , but the size of the sums is to embarrassing for him to reveal them — but he did say they were incompatible with what the European Commission would allow and what French taxpayers wanted .
23 cost money , but as far as this committee is concerned the one , of the particular threats is to strategic planning an and that 's something I , I referred to a moment or two ago .
24 He still attends Mass on Sunday although he must be , to some of the more conventional believers kneeling beside him , what Philip Roth is to orthodox Jews .
25 Instead , if Birmingham is to saved , then some sort of balance sheet parachute should be concocted on the lines of a long-term equity injection such as preference shares or even a convertible bond .
26 Once more the secret is to learn-by-doing , to make the TL part of that do-it-yourself mirror practice which is daily routine .
27 But at a time when the swing is to full-time 4 × 4 , they have added a central viscous coupling so that in 4 × 4 , on road or off , the power goes to the wheels with the most grip without transmission wind-up and all that entails , which can be locked for extra traction off-road .
28 A potent black comedy on the hell of alcoholism , and sequel to last festival 's major success Vermin , ‘ Burbridge is to social realism what Harry Houdini was to Chubb locks ’ Evening Argus .
29 The residue is to shocking that many people take refuge in illusion to escape it .
30 the world 's to right weekend .
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