Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The plans referred to are short-term plans for periods of from one week to one month .
2 Since institutions tend to be affected in the same way by the same set of factors , share prices will be more volatile than would otherwise be the case .
3 I 've had a few copies made to be on the safe side : solicitors , banks … you know .
4 I stress the exuberance because most of the literature on anorexia nervosa stresses that anorexics tend to be ‘ good ’ little girls .
5 ‘ Your Uncle Nathan has wanted her with him in Leeds ever since Christie planned to be married .
6 The ability to obtain some patronage during an election contest was often essential to success , for it was not uncommon for every candidate in a crowded field to claim to be a friend of the administration in power .
7 Problems of this kind tend to be more pronounced if the left side of the visual field in each eye is affected .
8 The truth , I fancy — and the discovery that letters of this kind tend to be written in oddly similar terms ( the writer invariably shudders to think , the mixtures are always revolting or barbaric ) does something to bear out my theory is simply that reference to some particular ingredient has , subconsciously , touched off a painful nerve in the reader .
9 This may be because burrowing forms tend to be rare in areas of frequent flooding , even when common in the surrounding country ( Sheppe & Osborne , 1971 ; Andrews et al . ,
10 The resulting solutional forms tend to be rounded and less sharp-edged than those formed on bare rock .
11 Unfortunately such capital inflows tend to be very volatile in nature , as we have seen in earlier chapters , and this is one reason why this option did not provide a permanent or reliable solution .
12 In 1967 Abel-Smith and Stevens asserted that ‘ solicitors tend to be active members of rotary clubs , golf clubs , rugby football clubs and to become freemasons and leading churchmen ’ ( Abel-Smith and Stevens , 1967 , pp. 142–3 ) .
13 A screen of coding regions for mutations still presents a considerable challenge even with the much improved technology made available by the polymerase chain reaction , and it is possible that very many different mutations remain to be discovered .
14 Neither Alan nor Paul really accept that lab is an objective measure of ability ; they simply see it as a set of rules made to be broken .
15 This , together with the political dimension , means that it is hardly surprising that problems such as the inner cities tend to be defined and redefined over the years .
16 Because grammatical elements typically need to have the capacity to combine normally with semantically very various roots , their meanings tend to be of a very general sort : the notion of past tense , for instance , can combine without anomaly with virtually any conceivable verbal notion .
17 Ages tend to be entered initially as six , seven or eight mainly with a view to achieving an acceptable age of completion for secondary entry .
18 The incident was seen as reflecting growing white concern over government plans to return some land to blacks under proposals expected to be debated in parliament during June and July .
19 Under new proposals expected to be brought in by the IAAF , starters are likely to lose their power as the final judges of what is a false start .
20 People who open Tessa accounts tend to be in older age groups .
21 The cows have red freckles on the face and neck in particular , while those of the bulls tend to be greyish .
22 The hexachloroantimonate , , is easier to obtain — from , and sulphur — but its reactions tend to be slow due to its poor solubility in most solvents .
23 The precise intracellular effects of ligand-integrin interactions remain to be determined in hepatocytes , but studies using other cell lines suggest that specific recognition sequences present on the ligand ( such as RGD ) complement an area within the binding region of the integrin which induces a change in the cytoplasmic domain .
24 Although my income was unchanged , money ceased to be a problem , a worry , a source of guilt and anxiety , and became a reliable friend .
25 The markets in options that are deeply in or out of the money tend to be rather thin , and such options are not actively traded .
26 If , therefore , the acts relied on are incapable of being made part of any cause of action — e.g .
27 Unless there are more anti-Loraine Crescent closure petitions than I have been led to believe , the one I think Mr Howe refers to was rendered dubious .
28 Unless there are more anti-Loraine Crescent closure petitions than I have been led to believe , the one I think Mr Howe refers to was rendered dubious .
29 Caustic products tend to be in liquid or gel format .
30 Products tend to be misplaced or even completely lost or they get in the way but somehow they never happen to be available when wanted .
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