Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [be] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The Design Change states are as follows :
2 The facts of the Sen case were that Mr Sen was dismissed on 9th July 1990 .
3 In March , Surrey ambulance response times are as follows :
4 Kipnis and Tsang ( 1984a ) argued that the usual relationship between spot and futures prices during the life of a futures contract is as shown in Fig. 7.3 .
5 I think one of the things we need to look at when we look at case loads is whether Gail is the appropriate person to be dealing with the college ?
6 The er the defence case is that er there was no duty a and in my submission it must be of assistance to your Lordship to determine that issue to hear evidence from both sides upon whether there is such a practice and if there is what the extent of it is .
7 But the problem which data of this kind present is whether or not contexts where the subject is realized by a personal pronoun or by these are possible ‘ variable ’ environments .
8 The special feature of chirp radar is that it does not have a fixed carrier frequency during each shriek .
9 The trouble with bit maps is that they are inflexible and expensive .
10 The majority verdict is that Seve 's handiwork is difficult but fair , and tournament director , Andy McFee , aims to keep it that way by utilising a variety of tees , including some of the ladies ' , to strike the right balance .
11 The overriding criticism of the National Curriculum proposals was that it was not designed to achieve significant fundamental aims : it did not obviously focus upon ‘ great issues , principles and values ’ , or on the development of fundamentally important attitudes and skills , which educators , industrialists , and all those concerned with the welfare of society and the enrichment of the individual , would see as paramount .
12 Let us posit a partnership of 5 partners , each with a taxable share of profits of £60,000 , so that their taxable income profiles are as follows : —
13 One of the major tenets of the mental models theory of text comprehension is that the model of the text so far provides ( part of ) the context for understanding the current sentence .
14 Now agricultural erm one of the reasons why agriculture has n't been included in the G A T T is because governments right from all sorts of countries have said hands up why agricultural policy , this is a domestic policy , it 's got nothing to do with international trade , right there 's no international dimension to it right , you ca n't come in here and t tell us that we 're erm disbanding these protectionist measures right .
15 As the Minister and I agree that the fatal weakness of the MacSharry proposals is that they will increase the cost of the common agricultural policy , thus breaching the budgetary limit , will the Minister give the House a guarantee today that the Government will use their right of veto on any proposals to breach the budgetary limit ?
16 The other aspect of the MacSharry proposals is that the compensation terms are incredibly generous .
17 One of the problems with the MacSharry proposals is that , instead of bringing agriculture closer to the market , they will perpetuate existing excessive levels of support for the majority of farmers .
18 Unfortunately the rules inspector would come in next and the rules inspector would say to the guy how many rules policies are and you say oh G A inspector and to every one he actually gained in fact it was n't there was no commitment there at all get rid of people .
19 I would go so far as to say that one of the main reasons why there are fewer casualties among pedestrians and particularly children in countries such as West Germany is that that country has more flexibility in the use of speed limits .
20 The lesson Haslam learned from his ICI experience was that wherever possible redundancy should be on a voluntary basis if the trauma were to be kept to a minimum .
21 One of the big dangers of group training is that if the first one has n't got the skills skills is that he might not get anything out of it .
22 Swindon author Dr Colin Francome , who co-wrote the book , explained at today 's launch that research shows that one reason for the increase in Caesarean operations is that consultants are afraid of a law suit if the baby 's born naturally and is n't healthy .
23 The requirement of the old London Building Acts was that an area of window equal to at least 10 per cent of its floor area should be provided to light a habitable room .
24 Another argument used to advocate key settlement policies is that they favour employment growth .
25 Kenner is a strong believer in digital recording techniques , although he thinks the greatest danger with hi-fi purism is that one starts splitting hairs .
26 The covert reasons why the scheme drew widespread support from Cardiff solicitors was that it was part of an internal power struggle .
27 In her foreword , Ruth Richardson , the Minister of Finance ( and not the most popular Kiwi politician ) , expresses it thus : ‘ The special advantages of accrual accounting are that it distinguishes between capital and current spending , and that it takes better account of the cost of current policies for future generations …
28 It has thus been argued that the general structure of all colliding plane wave solutions is as illustrated in Figure 8.6 with with the possible exception that , for some solutions , the curvature singularity in region IV is replaced by a Cauchy horizon .
29 The press version of the events at Lambeth Baths was that the meeting had been rowdy .
30 The bargaining steps are as follows :
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