Example sentences of "[unc] [conj] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 As the term suggests , these are letters from the Commission to notifying parties stating that the Commission does not believe that there is any need to take action in relation to the agreement or arrangement either because it falls outside Article 85(1) or because it may satisfy the requirements of Article 85(3) , although in such a case the issue of a comfort letter does not amount to an exemption pursuant to Article 85(3) .
2 We were the first union in nineteen seventy six to come out with our policy on the then Race Relations Act it 's always been a trade union issue whether it was the trade unions in Germany in the twenties and thirties fighting Hitlerism and Nazi-ism or whether it was the trade unions fighting Moseley and his black shirts in Britain it has always been part of our ideals and principles .
3 With the help of 106 pairs of identical twins , Dr Colin Johnston and colleagues at King 's College Hospital and st Bartholomew 's Hospital in London showed that the risk of developing diabetes is far greater if a person has both DR3 and DR4 than if he or she has either antigen alone ( British Medical Journal , p 286 , vol 253 ) .
4 A and before we go into what happened once got in the flat , just tell us now who was to go where in the first instance .
5 Er swearing the papers basically saying who you are that this is the will er that er the person 's died of course er a and that you 're the person entitled to be a .
6 So that literally means the developer will pay all the teachers that might be in a school , pay all the people to sweep the roads and a a and and everything else .
7 A a and when you 're born again , that 's really we but that power without doubt has been broken .
8 And and a and if you like an affirmation that they 've got a future with us .
9 They 're keen to do it a and if you want to make any more it can be done but I think
10 A a and if it says Intercity it then it then it really ought to be maroon or the
11 Now , if and are presented on the same plot , their separation is the required as illustrated in figure 10.16(a) and where they cross corresponds to the crucial condition .
12 Well they can Erm so e e and and we ought to provision probably for a thousand .
13 Yes but it wou cos if you had the centre point up to the top of these two that 'd be hundred and twenty , hundred and twenty , hundred and twenty .
14 But wha but when he 'd said , turned round and said , oh it 's a legal contract !
15 Yeah , what surprised me is , I mean you do n't wan na let you loose on the general public , with with due respect , I mean you don but but you should certainly be , I mean I 'm surprised they do n't take you somew have videos showing you sessions in practice and things like that
16 Deep inside , I thought that George loved Lennie and vice versa because if it had n't been for this love , they would n't have been able to survive happily together .
17 I mean the government is pushing er spelling a as as something which is very important spelling is going to be part of all course work as well as all examinations now !
18 So I we would like to see erm tax incentives for investment in the equity of unquoted companies and we 'd also like to see gains tax incentives for the realization of those investments a when when they pay it off .
19 Erm form D One , the pink one , er there was no reporting timescales , weekly intervals er or whether they were going to report on completion .
20 The region of similarity between DP-1 and E2F-1 is likely to be an important part of their DNA-binding domains , but we can not distinguish whether it is involved in recognizing the E2F sequence per se or if it provides a dimerization domain which then allows sequence-specific recognition .
21 o o or that I would want the hassle and not get the work .
22 That is effectively we 're paying this extra fifty pence right resource misallocation we there is always what 's called a dead weight loss right to intervention , right it 's an inefficiency loss or an efficiency loss , due to the fact that we 're asking t , in this case farmers , right to using , use resources but farmers are n't the most efficient people in resources but in to erm , high tech computer companies , alright and if we gave pounds worth of support to a high tech computer company they would be able to produce more value as a result of that pound er than if we gave one pound to a farmer , simply because erm that , sort of the high tech industries are more productive , they 're more efficient .
23 However the assignment took a little bit longer than it er than if he 'd been on the other product range .
24 Erm once that hurdle 's out of the way if it is a hurdle er once once we 've agreed on that er the next decision we 'll make is on er which company you and I think that you 're more be comfortable the environment in which you er we operate .
25 And then erm then when er once when I was only little there was a pit strike on I think I 'd only be about seven , somewhere there .
26 That was er that while we was still at school .
27 Then er even one percent of nuclear weaponry that er could be used is a danger to world congregation and I fear very much er that unless there is some kind of a proper cast iron guarantee er with the successor to the Soviet Union er there 's going to be much er trouble especially if er there is an ethnic violence er erupting on the borders and again er Boris Yeltsin has said that er , er he is going to want to control er the position on the borders , well he may not get the agreement that he seeks , er one hopes that he will , but he , he may not .
28 They 'd start er you know one man gen mentioned er that when we get married in church erm we are making sacred vows you know we start with God but then we get busy with our living and our jobs and having our families and then somehow we forget about God and we we try to go on without him .
29 Erm I must say that on the clothing scene , because I did criticize it in my earlier statements , er that when I was so young I thought it was so frumpy and I was so pleased when I was married and got my own income that , you know , I could go elsewhere and choose something .
30 Three because the Chief Fire Officer can not guarantee any longer er that if he only despatched the one which is necessary , it would actually get through the traffic .
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