Example sentences of "[unc] [noun] that [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Like the meeting in London just after the death of Edmund Ironside , it hints at a realisation on Cnut 's part that his rule would to a degree depend on English support .
2 He defended the Government 's decision that its rules on cross-media ownership should not apply to Mr Rupert Murdoch 's Sky Television .
3 Clovis 's decision that his kingdom should be so divided most probably reflects the precise political situation at the end of his reign .
4 It was God 's intention that his people should always carry with them the values learnt at Mt Sinai .
5 Quitting the ERM permanently will have one important psychological effect : it will remind Britain 's traders that their destiny is to sell where their market is strongest .
6 When Aubrey had accepted one of their many invitations to come on a lengthy visit , it did cross Harry 's mind that his resemblance to his sister might bring back painful memories , but although Aubrey had now been here over a week , he , Harry , had felt no desire to wish himself free of his engagement .
7 What has given impetus to the establishment of the clearing house is the Exchange 's fear that its centralised securities market is in danger of fragmenting .
8 He could see in Mariana 's eyes that her thoughts mirrored his own .
9 Just as Wunis Abdulhadi was able to opt out among friends , but knew that in a conflict he could not walk down the street without danger of attack from Zuwaya , so ‘ the obligation to fight ’ arose from people 's perception that their opponents would assume the worst possible case — — that everyone who had a theoretical obligation to fight would do so .
10 The bad news is revealed partly by the results for the first half year and partly by the company 's prediction that its borrowings will only be down to half shareholders ' funds even at the end-of-year low point after the Christmas rush .
11 It was n't the woman 's fault that her lamp had been broken .
12 It is their chronicler 's fault that their words and actions slip through the mind instead of staying .
13 It is at once the strength and the weakness of Justinian 's law that its grasp of principle is slack : a powerful command of principle had led the classical lawyers to develop a finely worked system ; yet , that done , they were entrapped in it and helpless against its inadequacies .
14 HERON International chairman Gerald Ronson yesterday told the garages and property group 's bankers that its value has collapsed from £585m to £135m .
15 Perhaps more bizarre is Ms Haddad 's recollection that her husband ‘ spanked ’ her ‘ 22 times ’ on her ‘ 22nd birthday ’ .
16 The article 's speculation may have been prompted by SGS-Thomson 's disclosure that its first-quarter orders in Asia registered an increase of 30% .
17 The man wrote to the young man 's parents that their son ‘ strikes me as someone who stands in his own light ’ .
18 She watched fitzAlan walk away from her and saw him walking out of her life , saw the final destruction of a young girl 's dream that her mind had rejected and yet her heart could not relinquish .
19 Bunyan 's life and work were a fulfilment of Tyndale 's dream that his translation of the Bible would reach and transform the humblest ploughboy in the fields .
20 It is significant of Joseph 's attitude that his legal code of 1787 declared that henceforth all offences were against the State and must therefore be prosecuted even if there were no individual victim willing to begin legal proceedings .
21 It was clear from the governor 's demeanour that his invitation did not extend beyond the Americans , and the elderly mandarin remained standing apart with his son and his son 's wife .
22 Thus , the US Administration 's contention that its planned reductions in CFCs will compensate for a failure to set emission targets for the main greenhouse gas , carbon dioxide , now appears less defensible .
23 It is because Gunn does not impose his views on the reader and does not demand the reader 's pity that his poems arouse such sentiment .
24 Might it be also true of Jackson 's work that its formalism is so relentless that it actually reveals itself as questioning the parameters within which it operates ?
25 The photos , which sent shockwaves around the world , exposed the sham of Bryan 's insistence that their relationship was purely professional .
26 According to Miss Macdonald it was at Kate 's insistence that her father had become involved with Ingard — but Miss Macdonald 's views on Kate were not necessarily accurate .
27 In Oxford , Karen 's insistence that our affair be conducted in public was just about feasible .
28 Other senators , responding to Mr Poher 's insistence that his age was irrelevant , said in that case , why not vote for Senator Geoffroy de Montalembert , who is only 91 and was first elected in 1945 .
29 Notwithstanding Gore 's insistence that his decision was based on personal considerations , the decision was widely seen as of great political significance .
30 Le Destin des Malou ( The Fate of the Malous ) , for example , begins with the mysterious suicide of Eugene Malou , a bankrupt businessman , and the rest of the novel is concerned with his younger son 's discovery that his father was both a crook and , as one of his criminal friends puts it , ‘ a man .
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