Example sentences of "[modal v] have [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The girl 's parents and guardian ad litem agreed to the proposed order , which included a term that the girl should have no contact with her father , and which envisaged the possibility of placing the girl with her older half-sister as her full-time carer .
2 They proposed that mother should have reasonable contact and that father should have no contact .
3 ‘ She should have no hiding place from the scrutiny of Lord Justice Scott 's inquiry , ’ said Menzies Campbell , the Liberal Democrat defence spokesman .
4 With the funding John Makepeace has attracted he should have no difficulty finding the students .
5 A broad-beamed fellow like myself should have no difficulty careering it across the ironing board , although a woman or even a bachelor-wimp might sooner resort to an old-fashioned metal iron than attempt to put this monster through its paces .
6 After that you should have no difficulty in reeling off the list , 1 — vacuum cleaner , 2 — pink blancmange and so on .
7 The contributors succeed , by and large , in avoiding technical obfuscation , and anyone who reads New Scientist should have no difficulty in absorbing the information here .
8 They argued that since the concentration of military forces in the hands of the League would be a step towards their total elimination , absolute pacifists should have no difficulty in supporting collective security as a step in the right direction .
9 ‘ I 'm sure if this misguided individual is in the habit of flying on these things , I should have no difficulty whatsoever . ’
10 Once this routine has been established in puppyhood you should have no difficulty with your pet when visitors call .
11 While Camping Gaz fuel is widely available and UK users should have no difficulty in finding a supply , if you intend heading to more remote parts , even of Europe , it 's another story .
12 A sharp eyed youngster should have no difficulty in spotting the loose change , that so often litter such areas .
13 So good that , providing you take it to the right places and use it expertly , you should have no difficulty in doubling your pocketmoney every week .
14 For example , unregulated private monopolists should have no difficulty earning profits .
15 They should have no difficulty in paying for those extra officers .
16 From this point of view , teachers should have no difficulty in finding suitable material .
17 If you 're a half-decent teacher , she should have no difficulty in passing . ’
18 You should have no difficulty guessing if you 're at all familiar with the zodiac . ’
19 It confirms that directors should have no say in their ‘ compensation package ’ , but adds that all the details , including how bonuses and share options are set , should be in the annual report .
20 So if you 're in an area where there are other apple trees , you should have no problem .
21 If you follow the principles laid down at the beginning of this feature then you should have no problem .
22 Vegetarians who consume eggs and milk should have no problem with obtaining enough vitamin B12 .
23 If you are holidaying in hotels , or in places such as caravan parks which provide electric power hook-ups , you should have no problem in this country or on the Continent , provided that the plug on your charger fits the power supply socket or can be made to do so via an adapter .
24 Almost every design is now available in the widest possible variety of tonal schemes , and the prospective buyer should have no problem in finding a rug to suit the other furnishings in his or her home .
25 Cumani 's filly had been officially handicapped on three efforts over inadequate trips and should have no problem defying a penalty .
26 Well we consider that er pensions er contributions are deferred pay , including the employers contributions erm that the fund should be held on trust by the trustees and that the employer should have no ownership in it whatsoever .
27 ‘ If this matter rested solely upon the question of the best interests of the children I should have no doubt whatever that their welfare would be better served by their remaining in England in order that their future be determined by the High Court here .
28 ‘ If a bank manager saw fit to show me round a vault containing safe deposits and I found a gold bracelet on the floor , I should have no doubt that the bank had a better title than I , and the reason is the manifest intention to exercise a very high degree of control .
29 By the simple laws of dilution , solutions beyond the 12C potency should have no activity whatsoever , and yet clinically they can be shown to have an effect and , what is more , higher potencies often show more powerful effects than lower potencies .
30 That the theory of local public goods , together with the analysis of clubs and the Tiebout mechanism , are less than perfect explanations of local government responsibility does not mean that these concepts should have no part to play in shaping future policy .
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