Example sentences of "[art] rope [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But just as he put the rope over his head , he screamed in terror and threw his arms above his head .
2 He threaded the rope through the spike 's eye .
3 He then took the rope through her front and back legs and tied it firmly to the back bumper of the Mercedes , which Angel had backed into the yard .
4 He passed the rope through the now open apertures , down into the place where those toffee-brown overcoats had once hung and above them the brown felt hats with their Cambridge-blue ribbons .
5 She waited , the cold stone of the wall pushed up hard against her breasts , her knees pushing downward into the soft , moist loam , while they unfastened the rope about her arms .
6 The one who was still conscious snarled and swore as she tightened the rope about his ankles , and she shook her head reprovingly .
7 Travis freed her first , and after stretching cramped limbs she cut the rope about his wrists , then about both their ankles .
8 Back in the saloon Trent cut the rope into four lengths and made one fast to each corner of the folded bedsheets .
9 I look down the rope into his face .
10 I pulled off my boots , put the stick between my teeth and gently went down the rope into the water .
11 Before beginning his climb , Larsen had tucked the end of the rope into his belt .
12 The second step of every hornpipe is ‘ hauling up the anchor ’ : the sailors stand one behind the other in line , bend down , grasp the rope with both hands , haul it backwards and then relax a moment before repeating the grasp and haul .
13 There you are at one end of the rope with a bell at the other — and when you pull you 're not sure what is going to happen .
14 Endill threw down the rope with the chair attached to it .
15 For answer , the boy caught at the rope with his other hand and tugged suddenly to break Sheila 's hold on it .
16 Individual capitalists could serve his cause , even making a personal profit on the way , but they were also selling the rope with which they and their class were going to be hanged .
17 One useful refinement in arresting a slip is for the leader to have a hand loop tied in the rope with an overhand knot .
18 I watched as Norman handled the rope with competent familiarity , and set out up the centre of the slab .
19 You take some of the rope with you .
20 It was chewing the rope with its ugly yellow teeth .
21 The rope beside Grant went taut and began to give off creaking noises of friction at the point where it disappeared over the edge of the stone coping , as it took the weight of the climbing man below .
22 The illustration of double ropes being used to protect a second on a traverse is incorrect ; the drawing of a double-fisherman 's knot is actually of a single-fisherman 's ; the section on rigging anchors seems very sketchy with no consideration of using the rope to equally load them , rather than slings ; different types of shunt are discussed for self-protection on abseils but there is no mention of the cheap , simple prussik knot as an alternative , or the even more effective French prussik linking the controlling rope to the leg-loop of the harness .
23 He hoisted the rope to the very top of the hill , leaped into space with his bare feet wedged against the big knot and soared like an eagle over the tree tops .
24 In a frenzied motion Mould tied the rope to the hook in the bucket .
25 Allen placed the steel bow between the stone uprights of the parapet , dropped the hook over it and lowered the rope to the ground .
26 ‘ First , we attach the stairs , ’ I said , tying the rope to the overhanging floor joists .
27 Lucenzo ran lightly to the bow and vaulted the rail , landing neatly on the jetty to fasten the rope to the black and gold-striped bricole , timing everything to perfection so that he could single-handedly dock the boat and kill the engine .
28 She shinned down the rope to Jekub 's deck .
29 He had to rip his jacket free from the wooden beam and , sprawling himself over the chair , held onto the rope for all he was worth .
30 Gerry prepared the rope for another try .
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