Example sentences of "[modal v] go " in BNC.

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1 By the end of it you 're no all that sure whether teachers get long holidays or no ( they do , though most of them have to work hard for it ) , and whether parents should go and fuck themselves .
2 ‘ And all we shall have to do is to stick together and confess that this dreadful accident did happen a little bit earlier and we all felt devastated but there was a full house and we all felt we owed it to the public that the show should go on .
3 ‘ I think the same should go for the Scots race , too . ’
4 ‘ Technically you should go back there , but I think you 've already decided against that . ’
5 These should go in after frosts have finished in late spring/early summer , and will need to be lifted and stored before winter .
6 The only logical conclusion was that they should go to bed .
7 ‘ Perhaps I should go , ’ said Lucy .
8 They had made sure of the few proprietors between there and Dunkeld ; the Duke of Atholl 's authority was weaker here ; tomorrow would be the hard day when they made a drive up to Moulin and Faskally : perhaps they should go and terrify them now while darkness made them lonely ?
9 ‘ But if they do , we should go with them .
10 You go if you like — you should go . ’
11 That should go with most things . ’
12 ‘ I do n't think you should go , not yet …
13 Either way , the problem you describe , combined with the fact that this is your first dog , makes me think you should go back to the RSPCA and ask them to put you in touch with the most suitable , local training club .
14 Pound 's forbearance towards Williams remains astonishing , the more when we realize that Williams 's challenge to him came when he was remarkably uncertain and at sea about his own talents and the direction in which he should go .
15 She and her security advisers should go back to the drawing board .
16 Only a small proportion of this extra money should go to the claimants , he argued , in addition to normal compensation for injury and loss of earnings .
17 Norman Fowler , Secretary of State for Employment , is likely to exploit the differences already emerging yesterday between right and left-wing union leaders over how far the definition should go .
18 But that ceasefire fell apart after Mr Savimbi learned that Mr Mobutu and seven other African leaders felt the Unita leader should go into ‘ temporary and voluntary ’ exile and integrate his Unita movement into Angola 's single party Marxist-Leninist system .
19 The article concluded : ‘ The bankrupt Chancellor should go
20 ‘ There are some initiatives going on which interest me , whereby young women who had a child when they were adolescent , and although they love the child , regret very much that they were too young , too immature , and too unsupported to care for it effectively : it 's being suggested that they should go into schools and talk to girls about the glories of motherhood at the right time , but begging them not to embark on it too young .
21 But yesterday 's Daily Mail said , under the front-page headline ‘ This Bankrupt Chancellor , ’ that Mr Lawson had betrayed the people and his party ; had reneged on monetarism ; and should go .
22 And there were occasions when banter and humour were used by low-ranking officers to convey the impression to the section police that they should go easy on the number of ‘ skulls ’ ( prisoners ) they accrued because of the excessive paperwork it was causing .
23 Like the immortal ‘ Old Bill ’ in Bruce Bairns father 's First World War cartoon of the trenches , the patient British urged their neighbours that if they knew of ‘ a better'ole ’ they should go to it .
24 If this is right , who should go to York ?
25 Whether it was the wishes of the archdiocese ; or whether it was the inarticulate growls of air-marshals ; or whether it was the judgement that someone of 73 carries too many years to move to big new work ; or whether someone among Eden 's advisers thought scholarship important for some bishops — Eden rejected Fisher 's preference that Ramsey should go to London .
26 Here the agent is investing in the small artist , trusting the manager 's judgement that this act should go on to be the next big thing .
27 You should go .
28 He was advised by his teacher to choose the latter and it was suggested that he should go to Oxford and read chemistry .
29 ‘ Do you still think that Maggie should go to England to nurse ? ’ he asked eventually .
30 They should go home before the whole day was about them in ruins .
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