Example sentences of "[be] little " in BNC.

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1 GCSE , like its predecessors , remains predominantly a ‘ sudden death ’ examination , for which there are little or no formative components , whereas the provision of regular feedback and review is becoming increasingly fundamental to profiling schemes .
2 There has , therefore , been little chance in the past for a political growth of class consciousness among subordinate groups .
3 But by then he had taken refuge in the church , and the service must have been little more than a conversation between him and old MacDiarmid , because not another soul had dared to run the gauntlet and go inside when the clock struck three .
4 Your German Shepherd feels insecure away from familiar territory and his aggression is a defence mechanism — a typical syndrome of long-term kennelling , where there has been little socialisation .
5 There has , however , so far been little popular reaction in the country to the death of Marcos .
6 The Kenneth Branagh phenomenon is a cautionary tale but apart from the aren't-you-sick-of-him response , there has been little serious attention paid to the growing predictability of the media circus .
7 Before the marriage Maggie had been little more than a drudge round the house .
8 Amidst such massive coverage there has been little television interest in what ordinary people get out of sport .
9 In the immediate post-war years , the Minister of Defence had been little more than the co-ordinator of the three autonomous Service Ministries and the Ministry of Supply .
10 There has been little talk of America 's dependence on oil imports — or its missing energy policy .
11 But so far there has been little sign of it .
12 The eighteenth century had been marked by keen intellectual enquiry and , among the educated class , some decline in devotion to revealed religion ; but at last leave-taking there had been little to disturb the old familiar ways ; the sense of continuity between life and death , between this world and the next , was carefully preserved .
13 In one case the Divisional Court held that assault was committed where a woman was frightened by the sight of a man looking in through the window of her house , although there seems to have been little suggestion that the man was threatening to apply force either immediately or at all .
14 The ‘ flak helpers ’ had been little more than children at the time of Hitler 's great ‘ triumphs ’ , and in the hail of bombs , the destruction , and the retreating armies , the remaining image of the Führer as the military genius bore scant relation to their daily experience of reality .
15 What happens to the grief reaction when there has been little warning of the impending death , or for various reasons , where there has been no opportunity to be involved in the preparation process ?
16 In previous elections there has been little change in the parties ' support between the final Sunday of the campaign and polling day .
17 There is a host of community-related rural organisations in Scotland , many of which are purely social , or purely functional , some of which have broad ( non-party ) political aims , ( very few it seems make any attempt at all to combine social and political aspects even in a semi-structured way ) , but there has been little attempt to make learning connections between the assortment of community groups .
18 Except in a few isolated instances , there has been little systematic planning in relation to most countries ' social welfare personnel training needs and resources and there has been very limited involvement in find some countries and schools of social work that have adopted a comprehensive approach to social service personnel training and development and are directing their efforts toward maximizing the contribution of all available human resources to their country 's or region 's social development goals .
19 Although John Ellis , a botanical and zoological Fellow , had written to Linnaeus , ‘ Miller 's Dictionary is the chief book that is read by gentlemen who study the art of gardening ’ , there seems to have been little pleasant exchange between them .
20 Thus the Preface of the Catalogus Plantarum emphasised correct identification as a prime factor for success both in the nursery and the garden , and the text of the work presented a practical guide , suggesting the best uses for the new trees and shrubs with which there had been little experience .
21 There has been little understanding or recognition of the rights of teachers as employees let alone as adults with needs , expectations and aspirations .
22 Nevertheless , the saving of water this system would have produced as compared with normal lockage would have been little more than 50 per cent , a benefit that would hardly justify the installation of the lift if water saving was the main object .
23 If MI5 had obeyed the 1952 Maxwell Fyfe guidelines then there would have been little cause for complaint about its activities over the past 35 years .
24 Eckstein found in Mexico that in over three generations , there had been little upward occupational mobility , especially into the white-collar class ( Eckstein 1977 ) .
25 In Ecuador there has been little unionisation , but organisations based on ethnicity have given the indigenous rural population an effective foundation for action .
26 There would seem to have been little doubt , however , in Mr Justice Lindley 's mind .
27 ‘ And there would have been little risk , if they had bothered to ask at Snow Hill what time the beat constable was due to pass by .
28 There had been little damage to Galilee or Rashidiyeh in the exchange of fire but , not far from the entrance to the Palestinian camp , I was briefly introduced to a man who was described as the ‘ leader of joint PLO forces in Rashidiyeh .
29 There would have been little room to work or store on the gallery , but it could have been a convenient place to display finished work for the approval of the merchants riding round the countryside in search of stock , as the main road passes nearby and upon which the main flow of riders would have travelled .
30 This requires careful planning , especially in the allocation of committee rooms for use by committees which are to be broadcast , but , in practice , there appears to have been little difficulty .
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