Example sentences of "[prep] equal " in BNC.

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1 In the guise of a superbrain , a mind that commanded the most complex and abstract aspects of physical science , he is portrayed as with out equal among scientists .
2 A back fist will out-range a reverse punch performed by an opponent of equal height but it is not often scored because many referees do not consider it powerful enough .
3 Yet no matter how far you progress with this , ultimately you will have serious problems with an opponent of equal skill but faster-acting muscles .
4 Not only does seeing a chair as a three-dimensional object have this character , but so does seeing one line as longer in the Mulier-Lyer illusion ( in which two lines of equal length look unequal when differently slanting lines are drawn at the tips ) despite our knowing that the two lines are really the same length .
5 We give the child two pencils of equal length side-by-side , and he correctly judges them to be the ‘ same size ’ .
6 A mixture of equal quantities of raw linseed oil and substitute turps is often rubbed into pine prior to staining .
7 Like Franck 's music , Ashton 's dance flows onwards in simple lines and phrases , each one is of equal value to the whole , neither pianist , nor orchestra , nor dancers indulge in virtuoso passages which would destroy the solemn serenity of the design .
8 You can then use this to ensure that on each wall your tiles will be centred accurately on major features such as window reveals , with a border of cut tiles of equal width at each side .
9 Make a note of the values at maximum and minimum and if they are not of equal magnitude adjust the zero-offset trimpot so as to make them equal .
10 THE MIGHTY LEMON DROPS Their new LP , Laughter , marries an adventurously large guitar sound to some pop tunes of equal ambition .
11 He offers Conservatives and the public at large a picture of equal opportunity for all .
12 Of equal concern , the steady encroachment of the Japanese car industry into Europe is gathering pace .
13 A point which these listings often miss is that typifications are not all of equal generality within the everyday world .
14 And it is just that : a point of view , a vision , put forward through a fine prose style , that gives the work of Frazer a position above that of other scholars of equal erudition and perhaps greater ingenuity , and which gives him an inevitable and growing influence over the contemporary mind .
15 Kenya 's one formal window frame manufacturer has been forced to move into a completely different business as the jua kali producers have been able to dominate the market with a product which is of equal quality but considerably cheaper .
16 But of equal interest must be the 5ins longer wheelbase , Z1-style rear suspension and new 24-valve twin-cam version of the previous model 's 2.5-litre straight six .
17 A great advantage of these tests — one that was not found in ‘ real ’ tasks — is that sets of them can be made of equal difficulty .
18 Another difference between the effects of a morning and evening meal of equal size and calorie content has been found .
19 Without seeking to judge the past in any way , and trying to live out our belief that all races of equal dignity , maybe it would be good if such phrases were now quietly forgotten .
20 ‘ No social services or Government department will deny that everyone is of equal value , ’ says Mencap , ‘ but the services do n't support that .
21 No law of equal time exists to ensure that he appears at as many international summits as she does .
22 Many are sceptical about that finding , but Dr Dekel feels that if something similar , of equal statistical validity , could be found along another line of sight , the CDM model would become untenable .
23 Put another way , the cost of capital is the cost to lenders and investors of not having done something else with their money : the rate of return they could expect to earn on investments of equal risk .
24 He was a Libra , or the Balance , the seventh sign of the Zodiac whose name indicates that day and night , being of equal length , are being weighed ‘ in the balance ’ .
25 Additionally , and of equal significance , is the fact that within the overall blood taboo context there seems to have been a clear and hierarchical distinction made between male blood and female blood .
26 She 's a big , long sheep , and if you put a ram on her of equal proportions all you 're doing is stretching the ewe 's progeny through their back .
27 Given two engines of equal power , the biggest capacity one ( highest cc number ) is likely to be the lowest-stressed .
28 Where two tractors are of equal power , the heavier will probably need to be in a lower gear to pull the same weight .
29 In all cases cuttings must be prepared with a razor blade or very sharp knife , and are rooted in a cuttings compost or a home-made mixture of equal parts peat and sharp sand .
30 These might be of equal size or one small one and one larger one .
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