Example sentences of "great [noun sg] of [noun] by the " in BNC.

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1 Third , such analysis links national political-economic processes relevant to erosion and conservation to international affairs , mediated in a great variety of ways by the state systems of different countries .
2 What must be clear in a transcript of this kind is that a great deal of interpretation by the analyst has gone on before the reader encounters this ‘ data ’ .
3 To carry these out well entails a great deal of labour by the clergy and their devoted lay helpers .
4 Shortly after the sack , Stamford was granted its great Charter of Incorporation by the newly acclaimed Yorkist king Edward IV , which gave it considerable rewards for its loyalty ( an earlier charter of 972 , which was a post-conquest forgery , and only referred to the mint at Stamford , was still celebrated in 1972 ) .
5 And that this wealth was not locked in land or designated for heirs : it was fine fresh wealth coming into the great port of Liverpool by the month , by the week even , in the form of Ceylon tea , Indian jute , Irish coal — Mr Crump had an encyclopaedia of imports which he rattled off in diffident haste .
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