Example sentences of "should [verb] [conj] the [noun sg] is " in BNC.

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1 The analysis reveals the information that could or should exist if the model is a fair reflection of the real world activity .
2 Lest anyone should think that the matter is totally unproblematical , it is perhaps worth pointing out that the same dictionary gives no separate recognition to the parallel occurrences of shut .
3 Perhaps they should recognise that the countryside is not just a theme park where everything is nice , woolly and furry , but that real combat occurs between animals .
4 In every case the draftsman should consider whether the plan is to prevail over the verbal description or vice versa .
5 The size of the latent inhibition effect should decline as the interval is increased and the short-term effect is lost ; and when the exposure conditions are poor for association formation ( e.g. when there is just a single , brief exposure ) there may be only a short-term effect and no latent inhibition at all at the longer interval .
6 All should feel that the school is cared for and caring .
7 To prevent overstressing the glider during a launch , the weak link should break if the climb is made too steeply at speeds above the maximum shown on the placard .
8 The sun , in brief , spins some 100 times slower than it should do if the equation is correct .
9 The tenant should ensure that the landlord is not given too long to make up its mind and the period of 60 days suggested by the precedent seems fair to both sides .
10 Those making this journey should ensure that the stopcock is closed and all electrical appliances switched off before departure .
11 Unfortunately , certain landlords tend to abuse rights of access and as a first step the tenant should ensure that the right is subject to reasonable notice and may only be exercised at reasonable times , except of course in cases of emergency .
12 The central elements of the code of practice include the division of responsibilities at the head of the company ; sufficient non-executive directors to carry significant weight in the board 's decisions ; a schedule of key matters reserved for full board decision ; full disclosure of directors ' total emoluments , with separate figures for salary and performance-related pay ; audit committees composed solely of non-executives to scrutinise figures and appoint auditors ; the board should report on the effectiveness of the company 's system of internal controls ; the directors should report that the business is a going concern , and auditors report on this statement .
13 Amplitude changes should occur as the core is rotated in space .
14 If this decision were to be upheld , the appellants stand to lose their liberty and , in my judgment , it would not be right that such a result should occur when the evidence is excluded only on the basis of the rather stricter rules laid down in Ladd v. Marshall .
15 So Eddy 's discovery should imply that the Sun is merely in a temporary phase of contraction , which must soon be halted and reversed .
16 To ensure that the loan will be repaid if you should die before the term is up , it is essential to take out a mortgage protection policy ( also called term assurance ) .
17 Recognition is so fundamental to Roman imperial portraiture that any doubt over the mortal identity of a figure should indicate that the scene is not concerned with important people .
18 Readers should note that the terminology is not always consistent in the literature .
19 Sir Fred Catherwood , a senior Tory member of the European Parliament , said the Prime Minister 's insistence that Britain should join when the time is right had become ‘ a bit of a joke ’ .
20 So what you need to do with these is work out the right way round that they should go and the answer is a number and you need to put the numbers in there do n't you .
21 First , everyone should realise that the countryside is a workplace and not just a recreation place .
22 Ideally you should live where the language is spoken .
23 As your playing standard improves and you develop the feeling of the rally , the rally should cease when the ball is out of play ( ie , when it has bounced twice , or outside the lines ) .
24 We should question whether the readiness is there , and if not , why not ?
25 Not having been trained in school formalities , there is no reason why they should associate her test questions with the need to make explicit answers , or why they should pretend that the questioner is not there as the ‘ detached ’ answer requires .
26 In all cases , staff should check that the report is not an Investment Advertisement before using the disclaimer below .
27 But it should slacken when the leash is held normally .
28 The documentation or disk sleeve should state whether the program is for network microcomputers .
29 If the expert 's identity is not predetermined by , for instance , being the company 's auditors , the expert clause should say that the expert is to be appointed by agreement of the parties .
30 Managers should not necessarily blame an employee for failures , but should determine whether the process is to blame , and involve the staff in improving the process .
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