Example sentences of "when it [is] [verb] that the " in BNC.

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1 A spokesman said tribunals rarely ever order reinstatement when it is accepted that the allegations are true .
2 More fundamentally , however , because the suggested analogy at once breaks down when it is recognised that the public interest immunity presently in question is not , or at least not principally , confidentiality-based .
3 All of this should be easily understood when it is realised that the effect of the contract being avoided or frustrated is generally that the parties are no longer required to carry out the contract ; they are excused .
4 Nor from the point of view of the speaker , is there any hard and fast boundary between these and a non-restrictive adjective used in order to make explicit some property , when it is suspected that the hearer is unaware that it is implied by the use of the noun , as with poisonous in : ( 10 ) she threw Maisie 's lunch-box out of the window because it had a poisonous red-back spider in it Note that ( 10 ) further exemplifies the fact that whether an adjective is taken as restrictive or not depends on the rest of the entity-identifying phrase rather than just on the head noun .
5 This is a reasonable result when it is recalled that the metric components correspond to the classical gravitational potential ( Section 4.3 ) .
6 When it is discovered that the combination of certain proportions of charcoal , sulphur and saltpetre produces disagreeable results , then there is no reason why the benefits of gunpowder should be restricted to China .
7 When it is said that the continuation of the sterling area was an ‘ implicit ’ decision ( in sharp contrast to the debates on overseas expenditure ) the point being made is that this continuation was not the result , it would seem , of any debate within the Attlee government .
8 The position we have reached is that when it is said that the sea appears to a viewer to be uniformly blue this is neither a statement about what Reid calls the ‘ visible appearance ’ of the sea , nor straightforwardly a statement about the viewer 's opinion .
9 But these histories are more intelligible when seen as part of a whole and when it is understood that the forces that encouraged or hindered their growth were deeply rooted in the local society of which they form so characteristic a part .
10 When each noun code is matched up with its appropriate argument ( e.g. when it is established that the boy is the agent , the girl the acted-upon , and the flower the instrument ) , we have reached the second level of representation of the sentence — functional-level representation .
11 When it is known that the police may be needed , give them plenty of warning and bear in mind that their shifts change .
12 The result is that the monarchy is immediately , and rationally , justified , when it is implied that the institution creates wealth or nationality .
13 This is particularly so when it is remembered that the working parties are serviced by the DES , whose influence on a group of disparate experts meeting only intermittently and working under great pressure , is very considerable indeed .
14 Furthermore , this comparison becomes even more shocking when it is remembered that the population at risk of being killed at work is less than half those who could be ‘ murdered ’ .
15 When it is remembered that the brain is a three dimensional structure it will be appreciated that very precise localisation of the activity picked up by surface electrodes is rarely possible .
16 Probably the adoption of the Gothic style for church schools is not so surprising when it is considered that the design of schools was a subject in which the influential Ecclesiological Society — the significant impact of whose views on church design has already been referred to — was prepared to interest itself .
17 Here it suffices to say that the aim is to ensure that a company is required to do so when it is thought that the matter is one that the public needs to know .
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