Example sentences of "in a [noun sg] of [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 The only difference is that in a contract of hire the implied terms concerned with the " owner 's " right to transfer possession of the goods can be excluded if the term satisfies the test of reasonableness .
2 Tomorrow 's OCC systems will combine video , sound , and graphics in a generation of computers the business world has only dreamed about .
3 But in a couple of days the Big Bang goes up . ’
4 In a couple of seasons the younger players in the side should have come on considerably and be contributing regularly — it is then players like Rocky would come into their own , providing the guidance and experience that people like Strach have been doing .
5 In a vein of intimacy the Cubists introduced into their compositions the names of popular songs , the programmes of theatres they had visited , the packets of cigarettes they had smoked , or the headings of newspapers they read — elements which , as Apollinaire put it , were ‘ already drenched in humanity ’ .
6 ‘ She felt in a wave of terror the grey , gritty hopelessness of it all . ’
7 True , you could argue that you had worked from exactly the same spot as the photographer , but in a court of law the onus would be on you to prove it !
8 In a proportion of cases the first site of infection is the cervix , when there may not be any local pain .
9 By the late 1970s , the average self-respecting British household expected to have its video recorder or microwave oven ; in a variety of occupations the computer was taking over .
10 In a state of arousal the tissues around the vagina become engorged with blood and swell .
11 In a state of arousal the corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum are engorged with blood , causing the penis to swell and become erect .
12 Further , there is an obligation upon landlords , of premises let for a term of less than seven years , to maintain in a state of repair the basic structure and services of the property :
13 As it happened I too found it in a list of drives the day after answering the letter .
14 In a matter of hours the surface will be cold enough for geologists , sight-seers and small boys to swarm over it without harm , apart from singed boots and perhaps bottoms .
15 There was a drastic thaw , and in a matter of hours the unmetalled road turned to liquid mud .
16 In A Corner of Wheat the avaricious speculator is showing his friend through one of his elevators when he receives a cable telling him that he has cornered the world 's supply but then in his exultation he stumbles and ‘ falls to a terrible death in one of his own bins of wheat ’ .
17 Now we shall say that in a class of materials the current density at any point is proportional to the electric field ; in mathematical form
18 Even in a stream of traffic the laser beam can isolate the offending vehicles with an accurate read out of speed and range .
19 Jovellanos say in a House of Lords the only wall that could stem the tide towards democracy that would run in a single chamber .
20 In a number of instances the government has ‘ fixed the odds ’ in favour of private provision .
21 In a number of instances the Romans took over a Greek theatre ( for example at Taormina ) and adapted it to their requirements .
22 In a number of provisions the 1977 Protocols seek to restate the principles of the laws of war so as to make as clear as possible the unacceptability of ‘ total war ’ .
23 Further , in a number of cases the variant was transmitted accurately in its new form to younger recruits so that a recognizably coherent group of like singers developed . ’
24 Though the onus of proving entitlement to the benefit claimed is normally on the claimant , in a number of cases the burden of proof is placed on the adjudication officer to satisfy the tribunal on the balance of probabilities of particular facts .
25 In a number of cases the courts have , as said , simply treated natural justice and fairness as synonymous ; the former is regarded as the latter writ large , the content of which will vary in different areas .
26 In a number of cases the jurisdictional facts will be expressed in terms of a subjective open textured discretion : the if X element will be ‘ if the Minister thinks fit , necessary , etc. , he may do … . ’
27 However , in a number of cases the courts began to indicate that some control over subjective discretion might be attained .
28 Nevertheless the matter is not entirely theoretical , for in a number of cases the courts have been faced with the need to analyse the juridical nature of a shareholder 's interest in order to determine the principles on which it should be valued .
29 However , in a number of cases the variables on the right-hand side of equation ( 6.5 ) account for rather a small proportion of the variance of the left-hand side variable , suggesting that some important influences on have been omitted from the estimating equation .
30 In a number of cases the Revenue did seek to argue that the beneficial user was a taxable benefit for the purposes of Case I and Case II ( and indeed Schedule E before the specific legislation was introduced ) .
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