Example sentences of "and run [adv prt] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Or if the ground was kind of wet we used to er make slide then and skate along on it and if the ground got dry we would get a old bucket or something and run round to the tap at the tank at the back of the school and get a a lot of water wet till you could slip on it .
2 So there was always a bottle of Reisling and a guitar , his Japanese kimono and him staying in bed , looking out of the window at the wolves chasing the train as we went through Siberia in the snow , whereas Geoffrey McCormack ( or Warren Peace as he was known professionally ) and I would get off at nearly every stop if we were awake , and run around on the platform .
3 Stuart turned to speak and was just in time to see the man snatch the plastic bin from the young assistant and run back towards the door .
4 But I stay out there singing some made-up song that goes with the waves crunching on the shingle , so she tosses stones in the water to plop near me in the darkness and I shout like an idiot and run back to the shore .
5 Although at first it may prove excitable and run off around the garden , the puppy should soon return to you .
6 The main roll out of cc:Mail is expected in September and to run through to the end of the year .
7 He nodded at her now , and again said , ‘ By ! ’ before turning and running on to the stage .
8 Wizzo ! ’ yelled Zach , leaping up and running out of the kitchen , ‘ Calloo , calloo , calloo , callay . ’
9 In former times George 's Lane , starting close by the church , toll-house and former inn and running down to the river , was the village 's main link with the outside world and the river Lynher the main artery for trade and industry .
10 I feel like jumping out and running down to the sea 's edge with bucket and spade .
11 Ricky can not snatch toys , kick others , overturn furniture and run out of the nursery if he remains in his place ‘ working ’ , so the behaviour we should prioritise as being most undesirable is that of leaving his place — it is the antecedent for all the others .
12 They had meant it to be special , but at the time , it had been dreadful , and when they began to sing Happy Birthday , Jay had burst into tears and run out of the room .
13 When he heard someone opening the bedroom door , he jumped out of the window and ran on to the roof .
14 She breathed a sigh of relief , and ran through to the living-room where she could hear Stephen 's voice .
15 She stood up and ran over to the bush where she had left her clothes .
16 I dashed the remainder of the wine in his face to revive him , and ran up to the laboratory again .
17 Bursting into tears , she turned and ran back through the wood , pushing blindly through the ferns , stumbling , hot and panting , determined to get away from Nicky so that she could try to think straight .
18 Suddenly , the dogs who were sniffing this exciting new country stopped ; ears raised , hair rising on their necks , they backed slowly towards John and Mary , then they howled and turned and ran back through the cutting , leaving John and Mary puzzled and a bit frightened .
19 She rushed down the corridor , through the kitchen , out of the back door to the shed and ran back with the barrow and the spade clattering on top .
20 When they were out of sight Allen came out of hiding and ran back down the track to the tree where they had been surprised .
21 During the night Ben suddenly woke up and remembering her , he hurriedly dressed and ran back to the wharf and opened the hatch .
22 Lee got up and ran back to the toilet , picking up the helmet that was on the floor .
23 Sandy Lyle was slightly unlucky that that second shot ran off the green into a depression called Duncan 's Hollow , and definitely unlucky that his third shot , which he attempted to finesse , failed by a fraction and ran back to the edge of the green .
24 The boat 's gone down and she 's in the river ! ’ they screamed , and ran back to the village for help .
25 She turned and ran back to the house before he could say anything else .
26 Kelly jumped out and ran back into the massage parlour .
27 With that , she turned round and ran back into the house .
28 Morthen made a sound like a wild animal , turned and ran down through the blackthorn .
29 They stopped only to pick up Cheryl , who saw them coming a long way off and ran down to the road to meet them .
30 And he took off his glasses , tucking them into the pile of clothes , and ran down to the edge of the water .
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