Example sentences of "of [pron] [be] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The tightness of the circle extends to professional staff at the Palace too , all of whom are appointed on personal recommendation .
2 The option is already proving popular , not least with our increasing numbers of Access students many of whom are attracted to subsequent careers as teachers .
3 Of the three carriers of hepatitis B surface antigen ( all positive for antibodies to hepatitis B e antigen ) one was a general practitioner 's receptionist and two were nurses , one of whom was known through antenatal screening to be a hepatitis B carrier .
4 He was writing in the Origin for readers most of whom were steeped in Victorian optimism , religion and the romantic movement .
5 In all , only 24 incumbent legislators lost their seats , although an unprecedented number of incum±bents — many of whom were implicated in various congressional scandals — had chosen to retire or else had been defeated in the primary elections .
6 The great spate of English translations of Paracelsus also belonged to the 1650s , confirming that the peak of his influence in England connected with what is arguably the unsurpassed golden age of British science and medicine , coinciding with the formative years of such figures as Boyle , Sydenham , and Willis , all of whom were affected by paracelsian influences .
7 There may be 32m cars on the road in a country of 123m people — but , as yet , only 6% of them are fitted with compact-disc players .
8 Erm Of the total of goods that are sold in industrialized countries , such as , that have been manufactured , only three percent of them are made in developing countries .
9 Now , with Government aid , most of them are employed in new light industries .
10 Three-quarters of these offences each year are ‘ cleared up ’ , and it transpires that most of them are committed by young males aged between 14 and 29 .
11 Such enterprises now account for more than 60 per cent of industrial employment in countries as far apart as Ghana and Tanzania ; more than half of them are located in small towns and villages , and the extended family is their most important source of labour ; they contribute at least a quarter of total manufacturing output ; and typically they employ between one and ten workers .
12 Another reason why you should never go near the line is that many of them are used by electric trains .
13 Some of them are returned to normal prisons before they ever make the intensive group therapy regime .
14 The disk is round , sack-like and often raised up , diameter up to 9 mm ; covered with small semi-transparent scales , many of them are armed with large simple rods .
15 None of the others had escaped unscathed either , each of them being lashed in varying degrees with myriad points of searing pain .
16 many of the critics I most admire have taken all the latitude in the world , and have earned the right to such freedom by the extraordinary power of their perceptions , many of them being achieved by critical reverie .
17 Restricted access to benefits for the young has , paradoxically , led both to more of them being ejected from parental homes and to them having less to live on when they are .
18 Most of them were shot at close range .
19 They did not yet have the economic means to raise enough hard currencies to pay for their oil and gas imports from the Soviet Union , and most of them were burdened with heavy levels of external debt , also denominated in hard currencies .
20 Since all of them were built in traditional style , it was difficult to tell which were old and which new .
21 Since a great proportion of them were engaged in growing corn and other basic needs of life , there must already have been a considerable proportion of the European population who needed to be fed by the labour of others .
22 Approximately 600 policemen , mostly Tamils , were apparently abducted and according to unconfirmed reports over 100 of them were massacred in Amparai district on June 12 .
23 Most of them were named after mythological characters , though there were also a few everyday objects such as a Triangle and an Altar .
24 Some of them were dressed in Ottoman regalia or Arab dress or even French cavalry uniform , serious-looking young men who — in the later pictures — were carrying Lee-Enfield service rifles .
25 There were very large claims from members of the Territorial Army for loss of earnings and most of them were met in full .
26 Few of them were caused by melancholy to sit staring slackly into the middle distance .
27 My failure to identify them is doubly frustrating because of the likelihood that most of them were copied from published anthologies .
28 Many of them were chosen by public meeting and Cropper and Sturge were prominent in encouraging organisation for the convention in the north and the West Country .
29 The importance of their being formed at random can not be overemphasized ; control groups start life the same as experimental groups in all respects simply by virtue of having been formed at random .
30 To ground the many provisions of , let us say , the UN Declaration of 1948 in the mere possibility of their being defended by moral argument is to consign them to a very combative arena indeed , the vagaries of which we have explored in this chapter and are precisely those exploited by Hare in his gloomy quotation .
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