Example sentences of "of [noun] [adv] [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 He envisages that a change in outlook may derive from appreciation of the complex event sequences that new techniques have now exposed in the Quaternary ; from appraisal of the classical models of change to accommodate the realization that extreme rapidity of change now has to be considered when evaluating chronological biotal and geomorphological processes ; from adjustment of geomorphology to new knowledge of Quaternary change such as rate of ice sheet growth and decay ; and similar adjustment of biogeography and of palaeoclimatology .
2 Unsurprisingly , the treatment of roads here had to be different .
3 Debt is seen as Pilkington 's main difficulty with estimates of £840m at the end of March now said to be standing at £950m and likely to hit the £1bn figure .
4 The writer had used 4 oz in 80 oz of 32 index fluid and , although I would have carried out a similar treatment as that ten years ago using saline , I consider this type of case nowadays has to be treated in a different manner , with up-to-date fluids and up-to-date knowledge — there are many first class fluids on the market today .
5 Of course more needs to be done , but what will not help is discouraging investment in Ulster .
6 There is also the pressure of time , when he knows there is a long list of cases still waiting to be tried at that particular circuit .
7 The whole area of Clacton always seems to be a tidy and a very pleasant town to visit .
8 Applications of pesticides also need to be carefully timed both to have maximum effect on the pest and to avoid damaging natural enemies .
9 The focusing of consciousness often appears to be concerned with the attempted resolution of unfinished business .
10 Security arrangements for the opening of mail etc have to be made watertight .
11 The point of contention now appears to be how institutions may be affected .
12 These two areas of convergence also direct us to the main area of divergence and the reason why , though in actuality inextricably related , the psychic and the cultural return of homosexuality still need to be distinguished .
13 The New Deal in fact established a far more important role for the Federal Government in a whole range of areas previously considered to be outside its scope .
14 SWAPO won control of nine of the 13 regional councils , including a number of areas previously considered to be strongholds of the opposition Democratic Turnhalle Alliance ( DTA ) .
15 A great deal of work now needs to be done to work out the details of the new arrangements .
16 Water itself is , of course , a combined source of oxygen just waiting to be liberated via the breakdown of water vapour through photosynthesis .
17 Without wishing to alarm patients , I believe that we should do a comprehensive anonymised HIV seroprevalence study based around the medical practice of individuals recently found to be HIV infected .
18 The hair of Oceanus also appears to be styled on the same matted locks which comprise the lion 's main at Verulamium .
19 Because the authors have kept so many different cichlids over the year , the normal run of filters often prove to be unsuitable in a given situation .
20 The level of suspicion thus seems to be no less than that required to effect an arrest .
21 As was made clear in chapter 3 , the question of the appropriateness of DCF obviously needs to be separated from that of the appropriateness of using ROI .
22 A large part of the centre 's work will be based on exploring the background of families already known to be at high risk of inheriting those diseases .
23 The birth of Jesus thus came to be regarded as dividing time into two parts , because it ended the first phase of the divine purpose and initiated the second .
24 Russia was full of resources just waiting to be exploited , and yet if the system did not change , it would be foreign investors that would profit from them .
25 Although the assessment of damages often has to be based on scanty evidence , in the opinion of the Board the evidence adduced by the plaintiff as to damage in this case was inadequate to prove any damage beyond the purely nominal .
26 Observation and care of the patient at risk of suicide therefore needs to be very carefully planned and coordinated .
27 With the best will in the world , the library is not always going to have the book on its shelves that the student is after ; and nor are members of staff always going to be available to answer students ' enquiries .
28 Reports of efficacy also need to be tempered with the proviso that building self-esteem is a task which requires constant vigilance against old negative messages .
29 The question of quality now needs to be addressed .
30 During the postwar period the idea of democracy also came to be expressed in new terms — differing profoundly from the restrictive meaning which Schumpeter , Weber and others had imparted to it through its association with the idea of citizenship .
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