Example sentences of "and [conj] [pron] [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He may know the difference between a tractor which works and one which does not , but he can not know how many tractors are required , what sort of tractors to build , and where they are most needed .
2 In a general practice in north Edinburgh , between 1987 and 1989 , 265 injecting drug users were asked if they had any children and , if so , when they had been born and where they were currently living .
3 The discovery of a bird when and where it was least expected can be a magical experience .
4 Our plans for the future are to ensure this strength is preserved and that we are fully equipped to meet changing conditions .
5 I have noted what Andrew 's said about the graduates , and that we are actually getting some fee earning
6 ‘ It is a good figure but objectively you have to say the trend remains flat and that we are still bumping along the bottom , ’ said John Shepperd , economist with merchant bank SG Warburg .
7 Hyam believes that the sexual activities of imperialist manpower have been erased from the historical record , or else written about in stereotyped ways which had little to do with reality , and that we are therefore left with an incomplete understanding of the colonial experience .
8 Erm mm , the other thing I was gon na mention which is , which we 've sort of really gone through is the air conditioning and that we 're actually sort o , we are doing the monitoring of the environment and all , and have had Wi
9 But also to make people aware of the Chest , Heart and Stroke Association , what we 're trying to do , and that we 're there to help people as well as being er an organisation which just hands out money to er doctors .
10 This is because they pay a premium rate to be ‘ first in break ’ , on the basis that more people are still watching ( prior to making the tea , or whatever ) , and that they 're still watching more attentively .
11 Erm it seems to me that the emphasis has changed slightly in the representations being made by the West Yorkshire authorities and that they 're now saying that it 's much more difficult for them to accommodate housing developments within their own er districts .
12 Motorists , please remember that cyclists ( and pedestrians ) are road users too and that they are easily hurt .
13 Make sure that all pictures leaving the Press Office are properly captioned ( see Chapter 3 ) and that they are well protected .
14 We must ensure that the security forces are the real defenders of human rights and freedom from fear and violence , and that they are clearly seen to be so .
15 But Lévi-Strauss is arguing that kinship systems serve a similar discursive role and that they are similarly constructed out of units of meaning .
16 This presupposes that pieces are not too long and that they are properly rehearsed set-pieces rather than the meaningless meanderings which too often pass for improvisation .
17 During analysis it appears that they often become involved with women who are attached to another man , and that they are unconsciously seeking to re-create the early family situation .
18 By insisting on the arbitrariness and narrowness of gender roles , and that they are socially ascribed rather than naturally given , Orton expresses a central motif in the sexual politics of that time .
19 In 1974 , Fidel Castro said , in his closing speech to the Second Congress of the FMC , ‘ We live in a socialist country , we made our revolution sixteen years ago , but can we really say that Cuban women have in practice gained equal rights with men and that they are fully integrated into Cuban society ? ’
20 Note that overflow records arise singly , however the prime data area is formatted , and that they are usually stored singly in indexed sequential files ( but see discussion of VSAM on p. 266 ) .
21 ‘ PAT dogs seem to sense when a person is chair-bound and that they are there to give that person pleasure .
22 Some of these ideas are , that girls are more , social , and ‘ suggestible ’ than boys ; that they have lower achievement motivation and self-esteem ; that they are better at rote learning and repetition , and worse at higher-level cognitive tasks , involving responses inhibition and analysis ; that they are more ‘ auditory ’ and less ‘ visual ’ ; and that they are more affected by heredity and less by environment .
23 We must ensure that the territorials have a much more satisfactory and satisfying role in the future and that those who wish to make themselves available in such an emergency have that offer taken up and that they are readily called upon in such times of emergency .
24 This outcome is dependent upon the level of competition being sufficient to ensure that firms are constrained to making normal profits , and that they are therefore forced to reduce price when costs are lowered .
25 In Nasonia it has further been shown that condensation of chromosomes derived from the sperm is abnormal and that they are often fragmented in incompatible crosses .
26 I get fed up with people always assuming that refugees have nothing positive to offer this country and that they are merely bringing or being problems .
27 But this type of information presupposes that the recipients have the necessary vision and can read , and that they are sufficiently orientated to understand what they are reading .
28 It seemed that both incomers and Shetlanders presumed that the researchers did have a clearcut image of conflict in the area and that they were just fiddling about trying to show it , rather than attempting to do something about it ( e.g. putting the incomers somewhere else , helping out the incomers for once , etc . ) .
29 On their first film together , I Walk Alone , in 1947. they both complained to their producer Hal B Wallis , who had them under contract , that they hated their roles , and that they were grossly underpaid .
30 Arnulf wrote a letter to the English bishops shortly before their meeting , telling them that the French king , the French bishops , and Henry himself were all agreed to support Alexander and that they were only postponing their announcement until the English bishops could vote to join them .
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